Translation for '
autoroute' from English to Russian
NOUN | autoroute | autoroutes | |
NOUN article.ind sg | pl
1 translation
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Usage Examples English
- Orly Airport is connected to the A106 autoroute (spur of the A6 autoroute).
- Hochstett is positioned near to the autoroute that connects Strasbourg with Metz and, eventually, Paris.
- A79 was also the code for a projected motorway between the A432 autoroute (Lyon-Saint-Exupéry Airport) to A9 autoroute/A61 autoroute (Narbonne) via Valence, Aubenas and Alès.
- Gannat is linked to the A71 autoroute by the 24 km-long A719 autoroute.
- In 1995, Gallo was commissioned to create three sculptures for the new A5 autoroute.
- Autoroute 415 had been proposed as the number of a planned autoroute in Montreal.
- Part of Route 175 is built to autoroute standards; the major part of that autoroute portion, also known as "Autoroute Laurentienne", overlaps Autoroute 73.
- Bourg de Péage is accessible from several autoroutes: A7 autoroute, [...] and [...]; A49 autoroute, [...] , as well as several secondary roads.
© Russian-English dictionary 2025
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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