 Translation for 'back' from English to Russian
ADJ   back | - | -
NOUN   a back | backs
VERB   to back | backed | backed
backing | backs
обратный {adj}back [reverse]
спина {ж}
спинка {ж}
back [of a chair]
2 Words: Others
непосильный {adj} [о работе]back-breaking
невозмутимый {adj} [спокойный]laid-back [coll.]
С возвращением!Welcome back<WB>
2 Words: Verbs
unverified привозитьbring back
возражать кому-л. [несов.] [особ. в дерзком тоне]to answer sb. back
отступаться [несов.] [от своих прав, требований и т.п.]to back down
бэкапить [несов.] [разг.]
to back up
отступать [несов.]
to back-track
возвратиться [сов.]to be back
возвращать [несов.] [приносить обратно]to bring back [return]
возвращаться [несов.]to come back
возвращать что-л. [несов.]to give back sth.
вернуться [сов.]to go back
возвращать деньгиto pay back [money]
держаться сзади [несов.]to stand back
unverified возвратитьto take back
2 Words: Nouns
чёрный ход {м} [перен.]back door
unverified просёлочная доро́га {ж}back road
прицел {м}
back sight
коренные зубы {мн}back teeth
отход {м}
back track
3 Words: Others
взад и вперёд {adv}back and forth
3 Words: Nouns
научный сотрудник {м} секретной лаборатории
back room boy [coll.]
4 Words: Verbs
экономить [несов.] [сокращать расходы]to cut back / down (on)
вы́ходить [разг.] [заботливым уходом вернуть здоровое состояние] [сов.]to nurse (back to health)
4 Words: Nouns
тыльная сторона {ж} ладониback of the hand
затылок {м}back of the head
5+ Words: Others
Он резко откинул голову назад.He tossed his head back.
Дурная голова ногам покоя не даёт.
Those who can't use their head must use their back.
5+ Words: Verbs
знать что-л. как свои пять пальцев
to know sth. like the back of one's hand
Fiction (Literature and Film)
Вернись, моя любовь [Делберт Манн]
Lover Come Back [Delbert Mann]
34 translations
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Translation for 'back' from English to Russian

back [reverse]
обратный {adj}

спина {ж}анат.
back [of a chair]
спинка {ж}меб.

непосильный {adj} [о работе]
laid-back [coll.]
невозмутимый {adj} [спокойный]
Welcome back! <WB>
С возвращением!

bring back
unverified привозить
to answer sb. back
возражать кому-л. [несов.] [особ. в дерзком тоне]
to back down
отступаться [несов.] [от своих прав, требований и т.п.]
to back up
бэкапить [несов.] [разг.]информ.
to back-track
unverified отступать [несов.]военно
to be back
возвратиться [сов.]
to bring back [return]
возвращать [несов.] [приносить обратно]
to come back
возвращаться [несов.]
to give back sth.
возвращать что-л. [несов.]
to go back
вернуться [сов.]
to pay back [money]
возвращать деньги
to stand back
держаться сзади [несов.]
to take back
unverified возвратить

back door
чёрный ход {м} [перен.]
back road
unverified просёлочная доро́га {ж}
back sight
unverified прицел {м}оруж.
back teeth
коренные зубы {мн}
back track
unverified отход {м}военно

back and forth
взад и вперёд {adv}

back room boy [coll.]
unverified научный сотрудник {м} секретной лабораториивоенноинж.наука

to cut back / down (on)
экономить [несов.] [сокращать расходы]
to nurse (back to health)
вы́ходить [разг.] [заботливым уходом вернуть здоровое состояние] [сов.]

back of the hand
тыльная сторона {ж} ладони
back of the head
затылок {м}

He tossed his head back.
Он резко откинул голову назад.
Those who can't use their head must use their back.
Дурная голова ногам покоя не даёт.послов.

to know sth. like the back of one's hand
знать что-л. как свои пять пальцевидиом.

Lover Come Back [Delbert Mann]
Вернись, моя любовь [Делберт Манн]фильмF
Usage Examples English
  • Curie recently won back-to-back CPS Championships in football and played in back-to-back Prep Bowls (City Champ vs. Catholic League champ).
  • The term back line can either refer to the "full-back line" consisting of the two back pockets and the full-back, or both the full- and half-back lines, which collectively can also be referred to as the "defence", "defensive unit" or the "back six".
  • When two eagles are shown back-to-back and facing the edges of the field the term used is "addorsed" / "endorsed" or "adossés" ("back-to-back").
  • These announcers have tended to describe the "ball itself" as going "back-back-back".
  • Two sensor back types are commonly used: single shot back (non-scanning) and scan back.

  • entered third seven–points back. Denny Hamlin entered fourth eight–points back.
  • Abaya plays the right-back position. He can, however, play left-back and centre-back positions.
  • The Vizag back-to-back HVDC station, or Visakhapatnam back-to-back HVDC station, is a back-to-back HVDC connection between the eastern and southern regions in India, located close to the city of Visakhapatnam, and owned by Power Grid Corporation of India.
  • Vered is a right-footed right back that can also play center back and left back.
  • Brian Campion (born 1984) is an Irish hurler who played as a goalkeeper, corner-back, full-back, wing-back and centre-back for the Laois senior team.

  • After the Olympics and into early 2017, USWNT coach Jill Ellis experimented with different formations and Long started several matches playing centre-back as part of a three back.
  • The 2003, 2004, and 2005 Boys Baseball Team won back-to-back-to-back Summer Season Division 1 State Championships.
  • Near-back vowels are essentially a type of back vowels; no language is known to contrast back and near-back vowels based on backness alone.
  • Winner: Durham Bulls; first team to win back to back IL titles since Columbus Clippers won back in 1991.
  • "Balance beam": Jump to knee mount, back handspring, back handspring, tucked full; switch split leap; Chen; front aerial; full turn; tucked side salto; back handspring, back handspring, triple twist dismount.

    © Russian-English dictionary 2025
    Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
    Links to this dictionary or to individual translations are very welcome!