Translation for '
be doing well' from English to Russian
21 translations
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Usage Examples English
- Ed and JJ seem to be doing well and Joey finally manages to control his buffalo to some extent.
- The popularity of microbreweries is growing rapidly, and the few microbreweries in the area seem to be doing well, including the Keweenaw Brewing Company, the Library Restaurant and Pub in Houghton, and the Michigan House Café and Brew Pub in Calumet, home of Red Jacket Brewing.
- As long as housing prices kept rising and borrowers could refinance easily, everyone appeared to be doing well.
- The latter were said in 1945 to be doing well at Tela and fruiting moderately.
- Although on the surface the company appeared to be doing well, it had overextended itself financially and went bankrupt in 1807, a common fate of businesses importing goods at that time.
- Maliyah was reported to be doing well following the transplant, as was her mother.
- After the album showed to be doing well, in July 1989 the second single, "Yellow Roses" was released, also becoming a #1 Country single.
- Hares seem to be doing well in this area.
- When "Janis Ian" was released, the singer was pleased, and the record at first appeared to be doing well.
- As of June 2022, a flock of eight Spix' macaws has been released back into the wild and appears to be doing well. Another release for twelve more later occurred in December of the same year.
- Andersson was reported to be doing well.
- Doug's business seemed to be doing well but nobody was aware of "the lack of care" Doug had been playing to the books.
- He was reported to be doing well. Another early admission was in August 1903, when a lad by the name of Mark Cosh from Mark's Corner was treated at the hospital after being shot with a pistol by another lad.
- and was reported to be doing well in Andhra Pradesh.
- The announcement generally caught the film world and financial markets by surprise as Hagen's empire had appeared to be doing well.
- Amarilly is in a sidecar on Terry's motor bike; they both are nicely dressed and seem to be doing well.
© Russian-English dictionary 2025
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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