 Translation for 'be done' from English to Russian
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быть готовымto be done
3 Words
пропасть [сов.] [оказаться в затруднительном положении ]to be done for [coll.]
устать [сов.]to be done up [coll.] [exhausted]
Partial Matches
готовый {adj} [доведённый до готовности]
Молодец! [разг.]Well done!
прожаренный {adj} [о стейке и т. п.]
well done
Легче сказать, чем сделать.
Easier said than done.
Легко сказать, да трудно сделать.
Easier said than done.
Он, наверно, это сделал.He must have done it.
Мавр сделал свое дело, мавр может уходить. [из пьесы "Заговор Фиеско в Генуе" Иоганна Фридриха Шиллера]
The Moor has done his duty, the Moor can go. [after: Fiesco's Conspiracy at Genoa]
являться [несов.] [быть, представлять собой]to be
возвратиться [сов.]to be back
оторопеть [сов.]to be baffled
радоваться [чему-л.] [несов.]to be delighted
быть безработным [несов.]to be unemployed
удивиться [изумиться] [сов.]to be astonished
удивляться [изумляться] [несов.]to be astonished
быть неправым [несов.]to be wrong
воспрещаться [несов.]to be prohibited
воспрещаться [несов.]to be forbidden
бояться [несов.]to be frightened
встречаться [наблюдаться, попадаться] [тк. несов.]to be found
выйти [появиться, быть изданным] [сов.]to be published
23 translations
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Translation for 'be done' from English to Russian

to be done
быть готовым

to be done for [coll.]
пропасть [сов.] [оказаться в затруднительном положении ]
to be done up [coll.] [exhausted]
устать [сов.]

готовый {adj} [доведённый до готовности]гастр.
Well done!
Молодец! [разг.]
well done
прожаренный {adj} [о стейке и т. п.]гастр.
Easier said than done.
Легче сказать, чем сделать.послов.

Легко сказать, да трудно сделать.послов.
He must have done it.
Он, наверно, это сделал.
The Moor has done his duty, the Moor can go. [after: Fiesco's Conspiracy at Genoa]
Мавр сделал свое дело, мавр может уходить. [из пьесы "Заговор Фиеско в Генуе" Иоганна Фридриха Шиллера]идиом.цитата
to be
являться [несов.] [быть, представлять собой]
to be back
возвратиться [сов.]
to be baffled
оторопеть [сов.]
to be delighted
радоваться [чему-л.] [несов.]
to be unemployed
быть безработным [несов.]
to be astonished
удивиться [изумиться] [сов.]

удивляться [изумляться] [несов.]
to be wrong
быть неправым [несов.]
to be prohibited
воспрещаться [несов.]
to be forbidden
воспрещаться [несов.]
to be frightened
бояться [несов.]
to be found
встречаться [наблюдаться, попадаться] [тк. несов.]
to be published
выйти [появиться, быть изданным] [сов.]
Usage Examples English
  • Some have suggested that dry firing may cause physical damage to the bow, such as cracks and fractures—and because most bows are not specifically made to handle the high amounts of energy dry firing produces, should never be done.
  • Parkinson notes a common objection to Kant's argument: that what ought to be done does not necessarily entail that it is possible.
  • To find the combined magnitude of that double star knowing only the magnitudes of the individual components, this can be done by adding the brightness (in linear units) corresponding to each magnitude.
  • Systematic desensitization can be done in vivo (with live spiders) or by getting the individual to imagine situations involving spiders, then modelling interaction with spiders for the person affected and eventually interacting with real spiders.
  • Analysis can be done manually or with a device.

  • Further purification can be done by the Hoopes process.
  • Also, deciding the truth of quantified Horn formulas can be done in polynomial time.
  • Substitutions are unlimited but can only be done when play is stopped.
  • For qualitative data, collection can be done with structured questionnaires or by observation, considering presence or intensity of disease, using score criterion to categorize levels of occurrence.
  • Bead weaving (or beadweaving) using seed beads can be done either on a loom or using one of a number of off-loom stitches.

  • The brine has to be regenerated, and that can be done economically with a low-temperature solar still.
  • Margot Einstein permitted the personal letters to be made available to the public, but requested that it not be done until twenty years after her death (she died in 1986).
  • This can be done by simply cutting down a row of trees so that they fall with their tops toward the enemy.
  • Schopenhauer asserts that the task of ethics is not to prescribe moral actions that ought to be done, but to investigate moral actions.
  • It may be part of a worship service with the full assembly of the congregation present, but may also be done in more private settings, such as homes or hospital rooms.

  • The indirect proof starts by noting that the map "f" can be approximated by a smooth map retaining the property of not fixing a point; this can be done by using the Weierstrass approximation theorem or by convolving with smooth bump functions.
  • One way this can be done is with an intervening set [...] of indicators.
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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