 Translation for 'be due' from English to Russian
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SYNO to be due | to flow from
быть должнымto be due
Partial Matches
должное {с} [то, что причитается]due
наступать [о сроке платежа] [несов.]to become due
долг {м} [денежный и т. п.]due [debt]
срок {м} возврата [долгов и т.п.]
date due
срок {м} платежаdue date
срок {м} исполнения обязательстваdue date
благодаря {prep} [+dat.]due to
из-за {prep} [+gen.]due to [because of]
должный {adj} [подобающий]due [attention, consideration, credit]
подобающий {adj}due [attention, consideration, credit]
являться [несов.] [быть, представлять собой]to be
возвратиться [сов.]to be back
радоваться [чему-л.] [несов.]to be delighted
оторопеть [сов.]to be baffled
быть безработным [несов.]to be unemployed
быть неверным [иметь на стороне любовную связь]to be unfaithful
быть неправым [несов.]to be wrong
воспрещаться [несов.]to be prohibited
воспрещаться [несов.]to be forbidden
встречаться [наблюдаться, попадаться] [тк. несов.]to be found
21 translations
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Usage Examples English
  • Another example is that body symmetry and proportion are important aspects of physical attractiveness which may be due to this indicating good health during body growth.
  • In cases where antibiotics have been suggested to affect the efficiency of birth control pills, such as for the broad-spectrum antibiotic rifampicin, these cases may be due to an increase in the activities of hepatic liver enzymes' causing increased breakdown of the pill's active ingredients.
  • The slow locomotion of sauropods may be due to their minimal muscling, or to recoil after strides.
  • The soul exits this body when the body can no longer sustain the conscious self (life), which may be due to mental or physical reasons or, more accurately, the inability to act on one's "kama" (material desires).
  • This was thought to be due to the presence of phosphoric acid, and the risk for women was found to be greater for sugared and caffeinated colas than diet and decaffeinated variants, with a higher intake of cola correlating with lower bone density.

  • The behavior of a complex system is often said to be due to emergence and self-organization.
  • Research on that phenomenon often concludes that the fast-paced production for signers from the coasts could be due to the fast-paced nature of living in large metropolitan areas.
  • Removal of the clitoris may be due to malignancy or trauma.
  • The reddish haze was revealed to be due to complex organic molecules constantly raining down onto Titan's surface.
  • As well as degradation of the dye, failure of a CD-R can be due to the reflective surface.

  • In coastal California, coyotes now consume a higher percentage of marine-based food than their ancestors, which is thought to be due to the extirpation of the grizzly bear from this region.
  • Çatalhöyük's spatial layout may be due to the close kin relations exhibited amongst the people.
  • The reason for this misconception may be due to its popularity in Mennonite and Amish groups.
  • However, bloodletting and leeching were common unvalidated interventions used until the 19th century, as many diseases were incorrectly thought to be due to an excess of blood, according to Hippocratic medicine.
  • Such rejections are said to be due to model mis-specification.

  • 1-day variation may be due to a substellar object of about 14.7 Jupiter masses in an eccentric orbit (e=0.5) with an average separation of 0.055 astronomical units.
  • It became apparent that the small variations could not be due to orbital motion, and were actually caused by pulsation of the star's atmosphere.
  • Several studies have pointed to an increased risk of prematurity associated with SSRI use, and this association may be due to an increased risk of pre-eclampsia during pregnancy.
  • The uncertainty principle in quantum mechanics, then, would not necessarily be due to hidden variables but to an indeterminism in nature itself.
  • The most distinctive feature of Western Armenian is that it has undergone several phonetic mergers; these may be due to proximity to Arabic- and Turkish-speaking communities.

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    Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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