 Translation for 'be in the lead' from English to Russian
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лидировать [несов.]to be in the lead
Partial Matches
быть расположенным к чему-л.to be in the mood for sth.
unverified на всякий случайto be on the safe side
unverified быть на одной волнеto be on the same wavelength as
быть ответственным [несов.]to be in charge
заведовать [несов.]to be in charge
отвечать (за) [несов.]to be in charge
интересоваться [+instr.] [несов.]to be interested in
unverified подвергаться рискуto be in danger of
в {prep} [+prep.]in the
в авангарде {adv}in the vanguard
вечером {adv}in the evening
утром {adv}in the morning
неподалёку {adv}in the proximity
в Крыму {adv}
in the Crimea
в конечном итоге {adv}in the end
после обеда [во второй половине дня]in the afternoon
между тем {adv}in the meantime
на заднем планеin the background
при сложившихся обстоятельствахin the circumstances
под открытым небом {adv}in the open air
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Usage Examples English
  • Ahead of the election, polls showed Luecke to be in the lead.
  • As results came in on election night, Michael Lamb appeared to be in the lead.
  • Any arm or pair of arms can be in the lead.
  • Brand later remarked that his choice to be in the lead role was "a mistake" and one of his most notable failures in life.
  • Bradman thought that rain might come, so he utilised Toshack and Johnson to bowl defensive leg theory so England would not be in the lead should a sticky wicket arise.

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