 Translation for 'be issued' from English to Russian
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выходи́ть [о приказе и т.п.] [несов.]to be issued
Partial Matches
выпущенный {adj} {past-p} [изданный]issued
unverified Сберегательная книжка выпущенная Deutsche Bank на имя Игоря Белых утеряна почтой. The savings­ book issued by Deutsche Bank in the name of Igor Belykh is lost in mail.
являться [несов.] [быть, представлять собой]to be
возвратиться [сов.]to be back
unverified подразумева́ться [несов.] [возвр.]be implied
Наберись терпения!Be patient!
быть потерянным [несов.]to be lost
родиться [сов.]to be born
быть подозрительным [несов.]to be suspicious
быть действительным [несов.]to be valid
быть должнымto be due
быть неверным [иметь на стороне любовную связь]to be unfaithful
быть в состоянии [несов.]to be able
быть удовлетворённым {adj}to be satisfied
быть занятымto be occupied
заблуждаться [несов.]to be mistaken
быть с бодуна [несов.] [разг.]to be hungover
раздражаться [несов.]to be annoyed
быть принятым во внимание [в расчёт]to be considered
иметь везениеto be lucky
21 translations
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Translation for 'be issued' from English to Russian

to be issued
выходи́ть [о приказе и т.п.] [несов.]

выпущенный {adj} {past-p} [изданный]
The savings­ book issued by Deutsche Bank in the name of Igor Belykh is lost in mail.
unverified Сберегательная книжка выпущенная Deutsche Bank на имя Игоря Белых утеряна почтой.
to be
являться [несов.] [быть, представлять собой]
to be back
возвратиться [сов.]
be implied
unverified подразумева́ться [несов.] [возвр.]
Be patient!
Наберись терпения!
to be lost
быть потерянным [несов.]
to be born
родиться [сов.]
to be suspicious
быть подозрительным [несов.]
to be valid
быть действительным [несов.]
to be due
быть должным
to be unfaithful
быть неверным [иметь на стороне любовную связь]
to be able
быть в состоянии [несов.]
to be satisfied
быть удовлетворённым {adj}
to be occupied
быть занятым
to be mistaken
заблуждаться [несов.]
to be hungover
быть с бодуна [несов.] [разг.]
to be annoyed
раздражаться [несов.]
to be considered
быть принятым во внимание [в расчёт]
to be lucky
иметь везение
Usage Examples English
  • The score to "An American in Paris" was scheduled to be issued first in a series of scores to be released.
  • However, if the error were to occur in the publishing house and remain undetected, the book would be issued with an invalid ISBN.
  • From 1978 until 1988, an image of Newton designed by Harry Ecclestone appeared on Series D £1 banknotes issued by the Bank of England (the last £1 notes to be issued by the Bank of England).
  • In 1484, during the reign of Richard III, the various heralds employed by the crown were incorporated into England's College of Arms, through which all new grants of arms would eventually be issued.
  • Initially licences were issued on a total allowable effort (TAE) but in 2007, the toothfish longline fishery became the first fishery in the Falkland Islands to be issued on a total allowable catch (TAC) basis.

  • Under the penal codes of the UK, those found guilty of espionage are liable to imprisonment for a term of up to 14 years, although multiple sentences can be issued.
  • In April 2022 NSW Heritage announced that Kahanamoku would be included in the first batch of Blue Plaques to be issued, to recognize his contribution to recreation and surfing.
  • Thirty days' notice is required before the order can be issued, and the scheduling expires after a year.
  • Trade with non-Party states is allowed, although permits and certificates are recommended to be issued by exporters and sought by importers.
  • A bankruptcy notice can be issued where, among other cases, a person fails to pay a judgment debt of at least $5,000.

  • Bald eagles cannot legally be kept for falconry in the United States, but a license may be issued in some jurisdictions to allow use of such eagles in birds-of-prey flight shows.
  • Hard-copy editions continue to be issued at intervals; the online WebDewey and Abridged WebDewey are updated quarterly.
  • Titles in the SACD format can be issued as hybrid discs; these discs contain the SACD audio stream as well as a standard audio CD layer which is playable in standard CD players, thus making them backward compatible.
© Russian-English dictionary 2025
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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