 Translation for 'bed linen' from English to Russian
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постельное бельё {с}bed linen
Partial Matches
постель {ж} [кровать]
одр {м} [устр.] [возв.]bed
кровать {ж}
высокая грядка {ж}
raised bed
цветник {м} [клумба]
flower bed
родильная койка {ж}
birth bed
односпальная кровать {ж}
single bed
двуспальная кровать {ж}
double bed
постельный режим {м}
bed rest
больничная койка {ж}
hospital bed
цветочная клумба {ж}
bed of flowers
цветник {м} [клумба]
bed of flowers
Что посеешь, то и пожнешь.
As you make your bed, so you must lie on it.
Кто рано встаёт, тому Бог даёт.
Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. [Benjamin Franklin]
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Usage Examples English
  • 2007 saw the appointment of Simon Emney as non-executive director followed in 2008 with their 90th store (Plymouth) and the acquisition of the worldwide rights to the 'Dorma' bed linen brand, for £5 million in July.
  • There was cocaine on the bed linen, including the part that was tucked under the mattress.
  • The ship's hold contained tableware, furnishings and 1,000 rolls of bed linen for the intended hotel.
  • An investigation turned up the image among her bed linen and she was arrested.
  • Turbental is the home of Schlossberg Textil AG, a manufacturer of bed linen.

  • At Cambridge University, cleaning staff who change bed linen and towels in college rooms are referred to as "bedders".
  • The demand for textiles rose after the war enormously, especially bed linen was now in demand.
  • Lunchboxes, children's clothing and bed linen, storybooks and stationery.
  • It is residents' own responsibility to launder their bed linen.
  • Harris Scarfe is an Australian retailer that sells bed linen, kitchenware, homewares, electrical appliances and apparel.

  • The rent for the room includes cleaning, maintenance, towels, bed linen and wi-fi.
  • In November 2010, HM Chief Inspector of Prisons, Nick Hardwick noted in his report on the prison that some young inmates had been tied up in their bed linen and beaten by other prisoners.
  • Specifically during an undercover operation they had marked bed linen and toilets with an invisible stamp.
  • The fire was caused by an electric heater that had been obstructed by sacks of dirty bed linen, causing it to overheat.
  • According to the forensic report, "Marin Preda's death was violent and was due to mechanical asphyxia by clogging the airways with a soft object, possibly a bed linen, in an alcoholic coma".

  • During an undercover operation, the group had marked bed linen and toilets with an invisible stamp, and upon returning the next day, the marks remained.
  • The paper revealed that she had gone on shopping sprees at the end of each financial year in order to claim the maximum possible expenses, purchasing items such as a £199 DVD player, £150 on bed linen and £60 on towels.
  • One role of a housekeeper is often laundry such as; washing, folding, and packing away laundry items. Other duties may involve monitoring and changing bed linen and ironing.
  • In England tansy is placed on window sills to repel flies; sprigs are placed in bed linen to drive away pests, and it has been used as an ant repellent.
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