Translation for '
bedsheet' from English to Russian
NOUN | a bedsheet | bedsheets | |
NOUN article.ind sg | pl
1 translation
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Usage Examples English
- Passengers travel in compartments of four or six bunks, and are provided with a pillow, lightweight bedsheet and blanket.
- Some locals head to Monte Coccia and fly a bedsheet as a white flag to signal to the Allies coming from the east of the Maiella that it was safe to advance.
- The bedsheet format (also known as large pulp) was the size of many magazines published in the United States in the first quarter of the 20th century.
- With regard to the prejudicial effect requirement, the state tried to argue that the case should not be remanded for a new hearing, because the prosecution's other evidence had clearly been strong enough to convict even if the bedsheet had been excluded.
- Because of the length of the ballot, the election was remembered as the "bedsheet ballot" election.
- He earned the nickname of 'Buddha', when the rest of the crew successfully tricked him into dressing-up in little more than a bedsheet for a 'fancy dress' party on the whaling station at South Georgia.
- After a white male prisoner hanged himself with a bedsheet in 2012, Texas state inspectors had also cited procedural failings by Waller County Jail's staff.
- During World War II Bosun John Crisp RN is credited in "The Colditz Story" by escapee Pat Reid as providing, whilst a prisoner of war at Oflag IV-C, Colditz Castle, the expertise and enthusiasm to manufacture torn and then woven "bedsheet ropes", tested for appropriate strength, using his extensive maritime experience.
- The magazine was in bedsheet format, with 48 pages, and was priced at 15 cents.
- "Astounding" was published in pulp format until the January 1942 issue, when it switched to bedsheet.
- He spent most of his life in the second-floor rented accommodation, only consisting of a bedstead & bedsheet at Muktaram Babu Street in Kolkata.
- Contributor Shadi Alzaqzouq from Palestine covered up his work with a bedsheet bearing a slogan in protest at the presence of Israeli artists; the covered work remained in place.
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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