 Translation for 'bedtime' from English to Russian
NOUN   bedtime | bedtimes
время {с} ложиться спатьbedtime
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Translation for 'bedtime' from English to Russian

время {с} ложиться спать
Usage Examples English
  • A 200 mg pessary is inserted into the vagina at bedtime for 3 nights or a 600 mg pessary is inserted once only at bedtime.
  • And tell us bedtime stories about Anna Hathaway.
  • One parent petitioner was quoted by "The Daily Telegraph" commenting: "My four-year-old refused to believe it was bedtime because "In the Night Garden..."
  • In adult use, the term means simply "time for bed", similar to curfew, as in "It's past my bedtime".
  • The Stooges play Ted Healy's children who refuse to go to sleep unless they are told a bedtime story.

  • was rebranded as "Nick Jr. Bedtime". A new bedtime look and song (Land of Dreams) was commissioned and played alongside the already existing night version of the 2005 idents and its song (Jimmer Jammers).
  • For RLS, the maximum recommended dose is 4 mg per day, taken 1 to 3 hours before bedtime. A 52-week open label study had a mean dosage of 1.90 mg, once daily 1 to 3 hours before bedtime.
  • One stays awake one whole night and day, then goes to bed 90 minutes "earlier" than usual and maintains the new bedtime for a week.
  • Children can greatly benefit from a structured bedtime routine.
  • tells the orphans staying in the Swamp a bedtime story of Androcles and the Lion.

  • The text of a bedtime prayer, titled "Prayer in Bedtime" ([...] "du'ā dar hingām-i khwāb") in Persian attributed to Kiya Buzurg Ummid, is preserved in a manuscript of the Institute of Ismaili Studies in London.
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