NOUN | believability | - | |
SYNO | believability | credibility | credibleness |
NOUN article.ind sg | pl
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Usage Examples English
- Of the series's characters, Michael Idato of "The Sydney Morning Herald" found an "elegance to the performances", going on to further applaud the "gentle, engaging, emotional dynamics" of the characters interactions with each other that also managed to both "enhance its charm and believability at the same time".
- As a literary device, backstory is often employed to lend depth or believability to the main story. The usefulness of having a dramatic revelation was recognized by Aristotle, in "Poetics".
- "Moondance Alexander" was not well received by "" for storyline believability reasons. The third horse's name is Spook.
- "Kirkus Reviews" cited the novel has enough material to satisfy espionage thriller fans with its believability about what may have happened behind the scenes of the Gulf War.
- Three main components of deception: The original deceptive message, additional messages intended to increase the believability of the central message, and unintentional behaviors that possibly give away the deception.
- Youth work expert Ossi Heinänen said in an interview with "Turun Sanomat" that he felt the event was problematic in regard to the believability of charity organisations.
- As one of the major characters of the series, Kerrigan has been critically praised for her believability and character depth.
- David Crow of Den of Geek rated the episode 3.5 out of 5 stars, also praising the Danes/Patinkin scene, while criticizing some of the plot points as stretching believability.
- However, it was also said that the book contains too many extreme characters, which would reduce the believability.
- When the series premiere was broadcast, "Pilot" received mixed reviews with critics divided over the believability of the crime and the believability of the series' immortality aspect.
- the narrative lacks believability, because there isn't any feeling in this film".
- The show's procedural aspect, the series' serialized nature, and the believability of the world interested de la Garza.
- The conclusion was that repetitive false claims increase believability and may also result in errors.
- 5/5 stars and criticized the believability of the plot.
- 5. The "moving hold". A character might come to a complete halt, but the fleshy parts might follow through the main action in order to convey weight and believability.
- Before that, much like other reviewers, he singles out the director Terzić, cinematographer Čolaković, and actor Fehmiu for praise while criticizing the screenplay "whose arbitrary coincidences undermine the story's believability".
- may be interleaved within actions to enhance the believability of the character's utterances.
- Jessica's unconventional approach confuses the girls yet again, and Michelle wins the challenge for having the best emotional connection, believability, and variety.
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