 Translation for 'black backed jackal' from English to Russian
NOUN   a black-backed jackal | black-backed jackals
чепрачный шакал {м} [Canis mesomelas]
black-backed jackal
Partial Matches
шакал {м}
эфиопский шакал {м} [Canis simensis]
Simien jackal
скальный канюк {м} [Buteo rufofuscus]
jackal buzzard
красноспинная птица-мышь {ж} [Colius castanotus]
red-backed mousebird
зеленоспинная синица {ж} [Parus monticolus]
green-backed tit
обыкновенный жулан {м} [Lanius collurio]
red-backed shrike
белоспинная птица-мышь {ж} [Colius colius]
white-backed mousebird
белоспинный дятел {м} [Dendrocopos leucotos]
white-backed woodpecker
розовоспинный пеликан {м} [Pelecanus rufescens]
pink-backed pelican
тибетский сорокопут {м} [Lanius tephronotus]
gray-backed shrike [Am.]
сероплечий сорокопут {м} [Lanius excubitoroides]
grey-backed fiscal [Br.]
сероплечий сорокопут {м} [Lanius excubitoroides]
gray-backed fiscal [Am.]
тибетский сорокопут {м} [Lanius tephronotus]
grey-backed shrike [Br.]
тибетский жулан {м} [Lanius tephronotus]
gray-backed shrike [Am.]
тибетский жулан {м} [Lanius tephronotus]
grey-backed shrike [Br.]
чёрный {adj}black
обыкновенный чистик {м} [Cepphus grylle]
black guillemot
чёрный волчок {м} [Dupetor flavicollis, syn.: Ixobrychus flavicollis]
black bittern
каменный уголь {м}
black coal
лысуха {ж} [Fulica atra]
black coot
21 translations
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Translation for 'black backed jackal' from English to Russian

black-backed jackal
чепрачный шакал {м} [Canis mesomelas]зоол.T

шакал {м}зоол.T
Simien jackal
эфиопский шакал {м} [Canis simensis]зоол.T
jackal buzzard
скальный канюк {м} [Buteo rufofuscus]орн.T
red-backed mousebird
красноспинная птица-мышь {ж} [Colius castanotus]орн.T
green-backed tit
зеленоспинная синица {ж} [Parus monticolus]орн.T
red-backed shrike
обыкновенный жулан {м} [Lanius collurio]орн.T
white-backed mousebird
белоспинная птица-мышь {ж} [Colius colius]орн.T
white-backed woodpecker
белоспинный дятел {м} [Dendrocopos leucotos]орн.T
pink-backed pelican
розовоспинный пеликан {м} [Pelecanus rufescens]орн.T
gray-backed shrike [Am.]
тибетский сорокопут {м} [Lanius tephronotus]орн.T

тибетский жулан {м} [Lanius tephronotus]орн.T
grey-backed fiscal [Br.]
сероплечий сорокопут {м} [Lanius excubitoroides]орн.T
gray-backed fiscal [Am.]
сероплечий сорокопут {м} [Lanius excubitoroides]орн.T
grey-backed shrike [Br.]
тибетский сорокопут {м} [Lanius tephronotus]орн.T

тибетский жулан {м} [Lanius tephronotus]орн.T
чёрный {adj}
black guillemot
обыкновенный чистик {м} [Cepphus grylle]орн.T
black bittern
чёрный волчок {м} [Dupetor flavicollis, syn.: Ixobrychus flavicollis]орн.T
black coal
каменный уголь {м}геол.
black coot
лысуха {ж} [Fulica atra]орн.T
Usage Examples English
  • Kittens and independent subadults are at the risk of falling prey to other carnivores such as black-backed jackal ("Canis mesomelas"), caracal ("Caracal caracal") and nocturnal raptors.
  • While the word "jackal" has historically been used for many canines of the subtribe canina, in modern use it most commonly refers to three species: the closely related black-backed jackal ("Lupulella mesomelas") and side-striped jackal ("Lupulella adusta") of sub-Saharan-Africa, and the golden jackal ("Canis aureus") of south-central Europe and Asia.
  • Dreadmon appears in the IDW comics as a mutant black-backed jackal.
  • So when a pair bonding species, such as a black-backed jackal, loses its mate it can be very difficult for it to detach itself from its dead mate.
  • The black-backed jackal ("Lupulella mesomelas)," also called the silver-backed jackal, is a medium-sized canine native to eastern and southern Africa.

  • Lesser bushbaby nest in this area and black-backed jackal are heard occasionally in the evening.
  • At night, predators include the black-backed jackal, striped hyena and spotted hyena The reserve is home to rare species that include the reticulated giraffe, Somali ostrich and the endangered Grevy's zebra.
  • In 2019, a workshop hosted by the IUCN/SSC Canid Specialist Group recommends that because DNA evidence shows the side-striped jackal ("Canis adustus") and black-backed jackal ("Canis mesomelas") to form a monophyletic lineage that sits outside of the "Canis"/"Cuon"/"Lycaon" clade, that they should be placed in a distinct genus, "Lupulella" Hilzheimer, 1906 with the names "Lupulella adusta" and "Lupulella mesomelas".
  • Wildlife in the area include Selous' zebra, blue wildebeest, warthog and South African giraffe, as well as the more elusive nocturnal animals like African leopard, black-backed jackal and spotted hyena.
  • The Lion & Safari Park is home to over 80 lions including the rare white lions and many other carnivores such as South African cheetah, Cape wild dog, brown hyena and spotted hyena, black-backed jackal, and a wide variety of antelope which roam freely in the antelope area.

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