Translation for '
black' from English to Russian
ADJ1 | black | blacker | blackest | |
ADJ2 | blue / black | - | - | |
NOUN | a black | blacks | |
ADJ positive | comparative | superlative
NOUN article.ind sg | pl
60 translations
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Usage Examples English
- Neyland traditionally play in black shirts, with black shorts and black socks. They occasionally wear an alternative kit: a white shirt with black hoops and red sleeves, with black shorts and socks.
- Observations on the behavior of black-headed gulls show that black-headed gulls individuals synchronize their vigilance activity with other black-headed gulls neighbors.
- The previous set of uniforms consistent of orange and black jackets with silver sequins, as well as black gloves and gauntlets, black pants and shoes, black shako, and black and silver tasseled plumes.
- The Lasoya finish comes in black/gold, black/blue, black/grey, and black/red.
- The Lord Chancellor wears white winged shirt with ruffled collar, black waistcoat, and black coat underneath the black damask gown with gold lace, and black knee-length breeches with black silk stockings, and full-bottomed wig during ceremonial occasions.
- There are Black Canadians who are mostly descendants of Black Loyalists or black refugees from the War of 1812. This Maritime population is mainly among Black Nova Scotians.
- There are several varieties of black rice available today.
- The black moor is a black colored variant of a telescope goldfish that has a characteristic pair of protruding eyes.
- Treze's colors are black and white. They usually play in black and white vertical stripes, black shorts and black socks. Its away kit is almost all-white, with the exception being its black socks.
- "Simulium tuberosum", known generally as Twinn's black fly, is a species of black fly in the family Simuliidae. Other common names include the superfluous black fly and tubercled black fly.
- Alternate names for the black-hooded oriole include the Asian black-headed oriole, black-headed oriole, Indian black-headed oriole and Oriental black-headed oriole.
- In 2016, Villalongo co-curated "Black Pulp!", a traveling exhibition of nearly a century's worth of Black image production by Black publishers, Black artists and by non-Black artists, with fellow artist Mark Thomas Gibson.
- The Nuns wore a black tunic and a black scapular for work. They also wore a black lamb's wool head-dress with a coarse black cloth veil.
- Targets can be of the following sizes/styles: standard 108 mm domed (orange, black or orange/black), midi 90 mm (orange or black), mini 60 mm (orange or black), rabbit 108 mm (orange or black), or battue 108 mm (orange or black).
- Forewing entirely and evenly black. Hind tibia black; maxillary and labial palpomeres yellowish orange; mid tarsus black.
- Larva black-brown with black spines and black head. Pupa light yellowish brown with fine black striae; head with two long, obtuse, divergent horns. Lagos.
- Micro black holes, also called mini black holes or quantum mechanical black holes, are hypothetical tiny (<1 [...]) black holes, for which quantum mechanical effects play an important role.
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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