 Translation for 'bumpy' from English to Russian
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ADJ   bumpy | bumpier | bumpiest
SYNO bumpy | jolting | jolty | ...
ухабистый {adj}bumpy
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Translation for 'bumpy' from English to Russian

ухабистый {adj}
Usage Examples English
  • “Riders may experience slightly poor and bumpy road conditions” along the eastern end of the path.
  • The word "Rigg" is from the Old English language and means a bumpy fell or ridge.
  • Its common name, “knob-scaled lizard”, refers to the bumpy, “knob-like” scales found on the upper portion of its body.
  • The name of the genus "Gibbavasis" is a combination of the two Latin words "Gibba" (Meaning 'bumpy) and "Vasis" (meaning 'Vase'), these two words coincide with one another because specimens of "G.
  • The track was originally a very bumpy shale surface, but was tarmaced in 1976.

  • "The Age" called it "shapeless, disconnected and bumpy".
  • Billy Grifter of "Den of Geek" also gave a good review stating that after a bumpy start, the show is quickly on track towards an interesting second season.
  • The gargoyle gecko, knob-headed giant gecko, New Caledonia bumpy gecko, or New Caledonian bumpy gecko ("Rhacodactylus auriculatus") is a species of gecko found only on the southern end of the island of New Caledonia.
  • "Syzygium cormiflorum", commonly known as the bumpy satinash, is a species of "Syzygium" tree endemic to Queensland in northeastern Australia.
  • Bumpy torus designs were an area of active research starting in the 1960s and continued until 1986 with the ELMO (ELectro Magnetic Orbit) Bumpy Torus at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory.

  • The spiny everlasting is a woody perennial shrub with spines at branch ends, covered in short white hair. It bears oblong, bumpy fruit.
  • This course is similar in profile to the one previous, bumpy but without any imposing rises in elevation.
  • The fruit is a capsule containing 10 to 15 seeds which are finely bumpy under magnification.
  • A small-fruited form with a bumpy skin has caused poisoning in sheep.
  • The road to Basantapur from Dharan is bumpy and slow. Basantapur can be reached by local bus in about 4 hours from Dharan.

  • The solitary flower heads are [...] in diameter, with white florets. The bumpy achenes are compressed and narrowly winged.
  • Jöckle was born in [...]. His career was bumpy at first.
  • These vehicles perform best on smooth sidewalks, although they can be used for mild off-roading; with some models containing suspension mechanisms to smooth out bumpy and un-paved surfaces.
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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