 Translation for 'bunch' from English to Russian
NOUN   a bunch | bunches
VERB   to bunch | bunched | bunched
bunching | bunches
SYNO bunch | caboodle | clump | ...
компания {ж} [группа людей]bunch [of people] [coll.]
букет {м} (цветов)bunch (of flowers)
букет {м} розbunch of roses
букет {м} полевых цветовbunch of wild flowers
4 translations
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Usage Examples English
  • "Jensenobotrya" is named after Emil Jensen and the Greek βότρυς - "botrys" (bunch of grapes), because the leaves look like grapes.
  • Electron cloud growth can be a grave limitation in bunch currents and total beam currents if multipacting occurs.
  • The charged particles travel in bunches in potential wells, and the oscillation of the center of mass of each bunch is easily damped using standard RF techniques.
  • For Saskatchewan, Willow Bunch has the title as one of the oldest settlements established.
  • Bunch fanout pigtails are made of multi-core round bunch fiber optic cable, which is also called distribution fiber optic cable.

  • "Prutyk" (may also be spelled "prutik") is the "bunch" (switch or stick) that is created when you pull together each bunch of three threads together using hem-stitch.
  • A beam-driven wake can be created by sending a relativistic proton or electron bunch into an appropriate plasma or gas.
  • Another important topic is the attempt to mitigate collective effects by use of single bunch or multi-bunch feedback systems.
  • A bunch file contains all public keys held by a user.
  • Team Flexpoint split the bunch with about 10 kilometres to go.

  • These include (but are not limited to) Beam Position Monitors (BPMs) to measure the position of the bunch, screens (fluorescent screens, Optical Transition Radiation (OTR) devices) to image the profile of the bunch, wire-scanners to measure its cross-section, and toroids or ICTs to measure the bunch charge (i.e., the number of particles per bunch).
  • The Hebrew word סְגוֹל֒ translates into English as "bunch", referring to a bunch of grapes. This is reflected in its appearance as a three-dot symbol.
  • Team "U" member of the main bunch bunch of small-wheeled Hercules temple.
  • The pedicel of a bunch equals 8–12 cm; the bunch is about 15–17 cm long and 11–14 cm wide.
  • A free-electron laser depends upon a beam of tightly bunched electrons.

  • "Narcissus tazetta" (paperwhite, bunch-flowered narcissus, bunch-flowered daffodil, with thin, flat leaves up to [...] long and [...] wide. ...
© Russian-English dictionary 2025
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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