 Translation for 'buoy' from English to Russian
NOUN   a buoy | buoys
VERB   to buoy | buoyed | buoyed
buoying | buoys
SYNO to buoy | to buoy up
буй {м}
буёк {м}
ба́кен {м}
спасательный круг {м}
ring buoy
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Translation for 'buoy' from English to Russian

буй {м}морс.

буёк {м}морс.

unverified ба́кен {м}морс.

ring buoy
спасательный круг {м}морс.
Usage Examples English
  • The Southernmost Point Buoy is an anchored concrete buoy in Key West, Florida, marking the southernmost point in the continental United States, the lowest latitude land of contiguous North American states.
  • In 1889, the United States Lighthouse Service placed a bell buoy near the rocks. However, strong currents in the area would pull the buoy beneath the surface of the water and set it adrift.
  • On the inside of the turn (as the IRB rounds the buoy), the crew member jumps overboard on the seaward side of the buoy.
  • A meteorological buoy used in Met Office's Marine Automatic Weather Station (MAWS) Network is located off Sule Skerry. Results from the buoy are used in the Shipping Forecast.
  • A later buoy tender, USCGC "Hollyhock" (WLB-214) was built in 2003 and named after the buoy tender "Hollyhock" which was decommissioned in 1982.

  • A description of the buoy and its location appeared in "List of Chinese Lighthouses, Light-vessels, Buoy and Beacons".
  • A SLOT buoy (short for: "Submarine-Launched One-Way Transmitter Buoy" or "Submarine-Launched One-Way Tactical Buoy") is a buoy with an on-board radio transmitter for sending a message from a submerged submarine to the overwater world.
  • With the buoy listing even more precariously, divers undertook the dangerous task of unbolting the remaining hose.
  • At the surface, the direction of the current is indicated by three signs at the buoy: the direction of the line to the weight, a "horseshoe" bow-wave on the front of the buoy and a wake at the back of the buoy.
  • Another important buoy in the neighborhood is the Maasgeul buoy as this is where the Eurogeul ends and the Maasgeul starts.

  • A delayed surface marker buoy (DSMB), decompression buoy, or deco buoy is an inflatable buoy which can be deployed while the diver is submerged and generally only towards the end of the dive.
  • The NOMAD hull was developed from the "Roberts buoy", which was a [...] , [...] boat-shaped buoy developed in the early 1940s, by the U.S.
© Russian-English dictionary 2025
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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