 Translation for 'buoyant' from English to Russian
ADJ   buoyant | more buoyant | most buoyant
SYNO buoyant | chirpy | floaty | ...
радостный {adj}buoyant [happy]
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Translation for 'buoyant' from English to Russian

buoyant [happy]
радостный {adj}
Usage Examples English
  • Lima brings a more general approach for the evaluation of the buoyant force exerted by any fluid (even non-homogeneous) on a body with arbitrary shape.
  • and non-buoyant lineages could have still been transported across the ocean when attached to rafts of different species of buoyant algae.
  • Atlantids are negatively buoyant. During the day, they have to swim to maintain their position.
  • 1942 minelaying used a new Mk XXII mine with a buoyant copper tube upper antenna replacing the solid copper wire and buoyant float of the Mk XX mines.
  • heat loss for buoyant convection throughout the whole Earth remains uncertain and understanding the details of buoyant convection is a key focus of geodynamics.

  • These activities contribute to enhancing social justice and supporting a buoyant economy.
  • Once again there are two possibilities: the interface between the liquid and the container wall is either a concave or a convex meniscus. Buoyant objects will be attracted in the case of a concave meniscus and repelled for convex.
  • They are made from two different materials, a light, buoyant top section of balsa wood and a heavy stem of hard grade cane, non-buoyant hardwood, or plastic.
  • Pelagic eggs are buoyant or semi-buoyant and will be subject to the currents and gradients at the level of the water column in which they were released.
  • Foam eventually supplanted kapok for 'inherently buoyant' (vs. ...

  • Therefore, divers who are neutrally buoyant at one dive destination (e.g. ...
  • At rest, a vessel's weight is borne entirely by the buoyant force.
  • He developed the theoretical modelling and engineering prediction of the mixing and dilution of turbulent buoyant jets in an ambient current and proposed the Lagrangian integral jet model - JETLAG, a general tool that enables the first engineering prediction of the 3D trajectory and the initial dilution of an arbitrarily inclined buoyant jet in stratified ambient current.  The method forms the basis of the VISJET modelling system that is widely used internationally for impact assessment and outfall design.
  • The buoyant force is usually small compared to the drag and Magnus forces and can often be neglected.
  • The original concept was to concentrate and direct light concentrated by a buoyant cassegrain reflector telescope structure down a buoyant reflective pipe to the ground for use in conventional steam turbine power generation.

  • If the density is "smaller" than that of the liquid, the buoyant force points "upward" and the object floats, whereas if the density is "larger", the buoyant force points "downward" and the object sinks.
  • For the first two days of the fire, the high thermal energy made the plume highly buoyant; this, together with settled weather conditions, allowed the plume to rise to a great height with little cross-mixing.
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