 Translation for 'burst out laughing' from English to Russian
расхохотаться [сов.]to burst out laughing
Partial Matches
посмешище {с}laughing stock
ливень {м}
cloud-burst [spv.]
взрываться [о снаряде] [несов.]to burst [of shell etc.]
из {prep} [+gen.]out
unverified найти решениеto work out
unverified протянутьto stretch out
читать вслухto read out
стирать [несов.] [ластиком]to rub out
выделяться [несов.]to stand out
тайм-аут {м}time out
испытывать [несов.]to try out
выплюнуть [сов.]to spit out
разбираться [несов.] [ приводить в порядок]to sort out
выявлять [несов.]to bring out
выходи́ть [несов.]to come out
выходи́ть [из; оставлять пределы чего-л.] [несов.]to go out
полоскать [о белье, посуде, рте] [несов.]to rinse (out)
опущенный {past-p} [пропущенный]left out
пропущенный {past-p}left out
выселяться [несов.]to move out
21 translations
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Usage Examples English
  • On May 10, 1983, when then-Stanford president Donald Kennedy unveiled the new clock tower, he burst out laughing: the clock's west face had been covered with Mickey Mouse's face and hands by an unknown prankster.
  • Evra fed Bradley's remains to the wolf-man, and when Darren and Evra contemplate this later, Evra says that he must have tasted rubbery - Darren and Evra burst out laughing.
  • When Ranger finds out that Diesel has been carting the monkeys around, he "looked like he might burst out laughing again."
  • Convinced they've fooled him, they make out, then burst out laughing.
  • According to Filmation staff, when the description of Stinkor was read out at a meeting of the story editors, all of them burst out laughing and vowed never to use Stinkor in any episode script.

  • Seated for the purpose of the drawing backwards upon hay bales and bumped across the cobbled courtyard of Horsemonger Lane Gaol, Despard burst out laughing.
  • The story begins by depicting how she waited at Lariboisière Hospital for the result of a serology examination for HIV and how she "burst out laughing" as the result was "negative".
  • It was only at the edge of the torrent that they realized their unconsciousness and burst out laughing together.
  • His wife feared that he would abandon her to become a religious but he burst out laughing instead and assured her that it was farthest from the truth.
  • Mason says she wants it to reverse the werewolf curse because she loves him, something that makes Damon burst out laughing.

  • Curry, born without a right hand and forearm, had his first experience with open discrimination against his disability allegedly when he tried to audition for a role in a mouthwash commercial, and the receptionist burst out laughing, assuming he had been sent in as a joke.
  • In the third act when the doctor announced that Violetta's illness had worsened and she had only hours to live, the first-night audience is said to have burst out laughing, with one member of the public shouting: "I see no consumption, only dropsy!
  • Tubridy himself rang the show to congratulate Dermot, Dave and Siobhan on their achievement of "taking the mick out of him" with a song of "pure ego" that caused him to "burst out laughing when I saw it".
  • She tried (and failed) to peel an apple with her bandaged hands; when she was unable, she burst out laughing.
  • It was not well received; some people in the audience burst out laughing during the slow movement.

  • The response produced prolonged laughter from the audience and a stunned silence from Harvey; even the other contestant at the podium burst out laughing over her response.
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