 Translation for 'business card' from English to Russian
NOUN   a business card | business cards
визитная карточка {ж}business card
визитка {ж} [разг.] [визитная карточка] [бизнес]business card
Partial Matches
карточка {ж}card
симка {ж} [разг.]
SIM card
удостоверение {с} личностиidentity card
грин-карта {ж}
green card
клиентская карта {ж}
loyalty card
кредитная карта {ж}
credit card
перфокарта {ж}
punched card
дебетовая карта {ж}
debit card
командировка {ж}business trip
(деловая) встреча {ж}(business) meeting
предприятие {с}business [firm]
[основной вид деятельности, которым занята компания] {noun}core business
деловая одежда {ж}
business attire
деловая переписка {ж}
business correspondence
музыкальный бизнес {м}
music business
служебная почта {ж}
business correspondence
unverified управлятьto run (business)
партнёр {м} по бизнесуbusiness partner
unverified иметь бизнесhandle business
прекращение {с} деятельности
close of business
22 translations
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Usage Examples English
  • In 1985 officials at Broadmoor Hospital discovered a business card of Ronnie's that led to evidence that the twins, from separate institutions, were operating Krayleigh Enterprises (a "lucrative bodyguard and 'protection' business for Hollywood stars") together with their older brother Charlie Kray and an accomplice at large.
  • He hand her a business card that expresses a deep friendship with Captain America.
  • A stranger hands him the business card of an old professor named "A.
  • While Speedy's last name was given as "Gonzalez" in "Cat-Tails" (on a printed business card shown in the cartoon), it was spelled with an 's' from "Speedy Gonzales" onward.
  • When escaping the scene, the Phantom Blot often leaves a trademark "business card" - a sheet of white paper with a black splodge of ink on it.

  • Generally they resemble standard business cards in their content—and often in their presentation—with company logos and sometimes even the exact appearance of a business card.
  • Adam Soong his business card via his 3D printer. The number on it was (323) 634-5667.
  • Thus a South Australian notary may have "John Smith LLB NP" or similar on his business card or letterhead.
  • Göbel started to work as a repair mechanic in 1837. Later in the 1850s in New York, he gave 1837 as the foundation date of his business on a business card of his shop.
  • Another specialized American Express business card is the American Express Corporate Purchasing Card, which can be assigned to individual employees or departments.

  • The "stinger" is roughly the same as that heard when Paladin's business card is flashed on screen (in almost every episode).
  • It has the size of a business card. Very early manuscripts are rare.
  • High quality business cards without full-color photographs are normally printed using spot colors on sheet-fed offset printing presses.
© Russian-English dictionary 2025
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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