 Translation for 'cantonal' from English to Russian
кантональный {adj}cantonal
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Translation for 'cantonal' from English to Russian

кантональный {adj}
Usage Examples English
  • For issues of nationwide significance, the cantonal associations work together.
  • Traditionally, cantonal banks are especially strong in savings and mortgage products.
  • Swiss "huissiers" in their official capacities wear ceremonial robes with the heraldic colours of the entity they represent, "Bundesweibel" in red and white, cantonal weibel in cantonal colours ("Standesfarben").
  • The 2015 Zürich cantonal elections were held on 12 April 2015, to elect the seven members of the cantonal Executive Council and the 180 members of the Cantonal Council.
  • In 1830, the canton of Friburg adopts black and white for the cantonal coat of arms and as cantonal colours.

  • The juridical system is organised in three grades of judgement: 1 Trial (First Instance – cantonal level), 2 Appeal (Second Instance – cantonal level), 3 Federal Supreme Court (Third and last Instance – federal level).
  • Aargau Cantonal Bank is a cantonal bank based in Switzerland.
  • Unlike most Swiss cantonal banks, which operate primarily in the economic area of their home canton, BCV's field of activity extends far beyond their cantonal and national borders.
  • This is a list of cantonal legislatures of Switzerland.
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