 Translation for 'capability' from English to Russian
NOUN   a capability | capabilities
SYNO capability | capableness | capacity | ...
способность {ж} [умение]capability [competence]
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Translation for 'capability' from English to Russian

capability [competence]
способность {ж} [умение]
Usage Examples English
  • General regional capability: Provided by regional tactical teams dispersed throughout their respective region. This capability exists in regions North, East, Mid and Bergslagen.
  • Interim Capability for Airborne Networking (ICAN) is a capability of the United States Air Force that enables secure airborne communication built by Northrop Grumman.
  • Four primary capabilities are addressed as important foundations of social cognitive theory: symbolizing capability, self-regulation capability, self-reflective capability, and vicarious capability.
  • The "Capability Evaluation" and "Capability Joint-Assessment" are two methods of evaluating an organization's product development and support process capability.
  • The VME bus provides expansion capability using cards that enhance the computer's capabilities such as enhanced graphics processing capability and Ethernet network connectivity.

  • The Afghan National Army (ANA) relied on coalition partners to raise and sustain its FAC and Joint Fires Officer (JFO) capability.
  • The Capability Models describe capability taxonomy and capability evolution.
  • In military acquisition, full operating capability or full operational capability (FOC) is the completion of a development effort.
  • Deputy Commander Capability is responsible for the strategic planning and delivery of all aspects of Royal Air Force capability, including people, equipment, infrastructure, and training.
  • CPF was an example of a commercially-available Capability-based operating system.

  • A Commando Regiment is gradually expanding its capability to include a Maritime Capability.
  • The three main strands of enterprise education – enterprise capability, financial capability and economic understanding – are interwoven across the Academy’s curriculum.
  • The growing capability of UAVs has thrown into question the survivability and capability of manned fighter jets.
  • The Block III AH-64D Apache attack helicopter would have had the capability to control Class IV UAVs from the cockpit, receive their imagery products, and exploit their remote laser designation capability.
© Russian-English dictionary 2025
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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