Translation for '
cascade' from English to Russian
NOUN | a cascade | cascades | |
VERB | to cascade | cascaded | cascaded cascading | cascades | |
SYNO | cascade | shower | to cascade | ... |
NOUN article.ind sg | pl
VERB to infinitive | simple past | past participle
present participle | 3rd person
2 translations
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Usage Examples English
- In 2018 a seventh cascade of centrifuges was inaugurated, increasing enrichment capacity by 25%.
- In response to an incision or wound, a wound healing cascade is unleashed. This cascade takes place in four phases: clot formation, inflammation, proliferation, and maturation.
- Absorption of photons by rhodopsin triggers a signal transduction cascade in rod photoreceptors.
- The activation of the complement cascade can cause damage to cells, therefore the inhibition of the complement cascade can work as a medicine in certain conditions.
- Besides the cascade (or reverse cascade), other toss patterns include the "box" or "column", and any number of multiplex patterns or contact juggling tricks within the pattern.
- A considerable part of the water falls at the "Great Cascade" from the upper to the lower cascade basin.
- The main cascades of hydroelectric power stations are the Dnipro cascade and the Dniester cascade.
- The administrator can define a cascade connection between local or remote Virtual Hubs.
- In other areas of information security this is known as a cascade, if every member of the cascade is independent and the cascade is large then the system may be considered trustworthy in actual practice.
- The name of Cascade Township is derived from the cascade, or water power, with which early settlers powered their mills.
- "Cryptogramma cascadensis" is a species of fern known by the common names Cascade parsley fern and Cascade rockbrake.
- The falls' first and highest cascade has a drop of more than [...].
- As in July 2016, Nishal Group has multiple cascade configurations in the form of cascade banks operating at [...].
- Cascade Fall at [...] , elevation [...] AMSL tumbles via a water wheel over the glacially polished granite saddle between Sugar Loaf and Bunnell Point into a delightful pool at the eastern head of Little Yosemite Valley.
© Russian-English dictionary 2025
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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