NOUN | a caterpillar | caterpillars | |
SYNO | cat | Caterpillar |
NOUN article.ind sg | pl
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Usage Examples English
- The caterpillar (larva) is dark grey with a black line above a line of white interrupted by yellow bands. The caterpillar's food plants are vetches of the genus "Coronilla".
- The moth's caterpillar completely strips the leaves of the host plant and can be a horticultural pest. When threatened, the caterpillar freezes and may vomit.
- "Phacelia cicutaria", with the common names caterpillar phacelia or caterpillar scorpionweed, is an annual species of "Phacelia".
- The forest tent caterpillar, "Malacosoma disstria" and the spiny elm caterpillar, "Nymphalis antiopa" are nomadic foragers.
- Caterpillar: The caterpillar is cylindriform with a constricted second segment which appears as a neck with a black collar.
- Adult females lay their eggs inside the skin of the hornworm caterpillar.
- A leaf-eating caterpillar and the green slug caterpillar attack the foliage.
- "Caterpillar cakes" are Swiss rolls decorated to look like caterpillars, one popular commercial example being Marks and Spencer's Colin the Caterpillar.
- The Caterpillar Contest: the dinos have a contest to see who can take care of their caterpillar the best.
- Aaravos has a familiar, a purple caterpillar-like creature that is not native to the world of Xadia.
- Larvae of the parasitoid "Megaselia chlumetiae" is known to parasitize shoot borer caterpillars by laying eggs on the integument of the caterpillar.
- Posey the Caterpillar is a friend of Buddy Bunny's who is a female green caterpillar who likes to play and learn with Buddy. Like him, she too does not talk.
- In graph theory, a caterpillar or caterpillar tree is a tree in which all the vertices are within distance 1 of a central path.
- A young caterpillar who is friends with Nyarome and Beshi. He is often used where a caterpillar may be needed, to dispense some commentary or advice or just crawl about.
- The caterpillar has several antipredator adaptations.
- "Thyrinteina leucocerae" caterpillars are parasitized by "Glyptapanteles" parasitic wasps which inject their eggs into the caterpillar.
- "Malacosoma californicum", the western tent caterpillar, is a moth of the family Lasiocampidae.
- The caterpillars hatch and feed upon the flowers and developing fruits of the plant.
© Russian-English dictionary 2025
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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