 Translation for 'cautious' from English to Russian
ADJ   cautious | more cautious | most cautious
SYNO cautious | conservative | timid
предусмотрительный {adj}cautious [prudent, circumspect]
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Usage Examples English
  • The consequence: unless a patient is enrolled on a trial which requires the test, clinicians tend to be somewhat cautious about requesting it, and cautious about interpreting the results.
  • Extremely skeptical of debt, he was cautious in all matters relating to church finances.
  • And be like the one who walks on a thorny path, he is cautious of what he sees.
  • Bompensiero was an extremely cautious gangster and proved difficult to kill.
  • These herons feed on insects, fish, and amphibians, caught normally by cautious stalking.

  • According to Sir John Smythe, there were two ways for two opposing pike formations to confront one another: cautious or aggressive.
  • Please be cautious adding more external links.
  • The table below highlights the conditions that individuals must be cautious of when deciding to donate blood.
  • Armenia and Azerbaijan kept more cautious positions, supporting neither side but stressing the need for Ukrainian unity.
  • Note: Detached and not engaged due to "overly cautious leadership"???

  • Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau urged Canadians to be cautious as the country slowly reopens its economy.
  • Despite Gorbachev's concessions, both sides continued to make cautious careful moves towards full relations. Scientific and trade expositions resumed in 1986.
  • In 1968 Selma Steinmetz resigned her Communist Party membership as a protest over the Warsaw Pact invasion of Czechoslovakia which was the Kremlin's response to cautious political liberalisation under First Party Secretary Alexander Dubček.
  • International reactions were cautious: most countries and international organizations remained silent until 5 March.
  • Zambrano was cautious about the opportunity, but was less cautious about arguing balls and strikes with home plate umpire Dale Scott after being pulled in the fifth inning and was eventually ejected.

  • The Liberal-Progressive governments were cautious and moderate.
  • A childhood incident in which her friends turned out to be toxic and shallow left her scared of disappointment, leading her to be cautious around people - too cautious.
  • Nuzzle is neat, quiet, shy, nervous, and easily scared, as well as cautious.
  • He had approximately 16%-17% in cash in March 2010 and was very cautious.
  • During the Great Northern War (1700–1721) Sheremetev proved a capable but cautious and sluggish military leader.

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