 Translation for 'cavalry' from English to Russian
NOUN   a / the cavalry | cavalries
SYNO cavalry | horse | horse cavalry
кавалерийский полк {м}
cavalry regiment
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Translation for 'cavalry' from English to Russian

cavalry regiment
кавалерийский полк {м}военно
Usage Examples English
  • The new unit was led by two commanders and eight "officers of cavalry".
  • Cavalry soldier extras and unit horses were period costumed members of the 115th Cavalry, Wyoming National guard which was still a horse cavalry unit from 1922 to 1941.
  • Today, cavalry designations and traditions continue with regiments of both armor and aviation units that perform the cavalry mission.
  • In mid-1798 the existing fencible cavalry regiments were numbered, the Berkshire becoming the 5th Regiment of Fencible Cavalry.
  • A hallmark of Bajirao I contingents was that of long-distance cavalry attacks, typically light and agile cavalry.

  • The cavalry consisted of Guards (Household Cavalry), Dragoon Guards, Dragoons, Hussars and Lancers. The volunteer cavalry was the Yeomanry.
  • The 4th Arkansas Cavalry Regiment was a cavalry regiment of the Confederate States Army from the state of Arkansas during the American Civil War.
  • In addition, each legion contained a small cavalry contingent of 120 men.
  • The 9th New York Cavalry Regiment was a cavalry regiment that served in the Union Army during the American Civil War.
  • During peacetime Plehwe raised through the ranks, commanding cavalry regiment (1890), Nicholas cavalry school (1895), 2nd cavalry division (1899) and Moscow military district (1909).

  • Two Estonian cavalry regiments participated in the Estonian War of Independence, along with smaller cavalry formations; every infantry regiment had one reconnaissance cavalry attachment.
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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