Translation for '
caviar' from English to Russian
NOUN | caviar | - | |
SYNO | caviar | caviare |
NOUN article.ind sg | pl
2 translations
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Usage Examples English
- In the 1973 Soviet film comedy "Ivan Vasilievich: Back to the Future" which partly takes place in the reign of Ivan the Terrible, a lavish royal banquet features several tub-sized bowls of genuine sturgeon caviar and red caviar, and a tiny golden dish of "eggplant caviar from overseas".
- The question for sturgeon is particularly significant as most caviar consists of sturgeon eggs, and therefore cannot be kosher if the sturgeon itself is not.
- As with all other caviar, ossetra is traditionally served on blinis with crème fraiche, chopped hard-boiled egg whites, and chopped onions.
- Beluga caviar is considered a delicacy worldwide. The flesh of the beluga is not particularly renowned, but it is a hearty white meat similar to that of swordfish.
- The term "caviar" is sometimes used to describe dishes that are perceived to resemble caviar, such as "eggplant caviar" (made from eggplant) and "Texas caviar" (made from black-eyed peas).
- Kaluga Queen is a Chinese brand of caviar made by the caviar company Hangzhou Qiandaohu Xunlong Sci-Tech Co., Ltd.
- Herold's large canvas "Untitled" (1991) displays four dark, spiraling patterns made of Beluga caviar. The spirals resemble DNA molecules, and each caviar egg is painstakingly numbered.
- The Beverly Hills Caviar Automated Boutique sells caviar, escargot and truffles from vending machines.
- Russians enjoy red caviar as an appetizer on buttered bread or on a blini (Slavic pancake).
- Mother of pearl is sometimes used to make spoon-like utensils for caviar (i.e. caviar servers) so as to not spoil the taste with metallic spoons.
- Norwegian caviar is most commonly made from cod, but caviar made from lumpsucker or capelin roe is also available.
- The first known reference to the preparation of Beluga sturgeon caviar (from the Po River) in Italy is in Messisbugo's books. [...] He described serving and preserving caviar.
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