Translation for '
checked' from English to Russian
VERB | to check | checked | checked checking | checks | |
SYNO | checked | checkered | chequered |
VERB to infinitive | simple past | past participle
present participle | 3rd person
1 translation
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Usage Examples English
- The History Staff checked the CIA files on the President's Board of Consultants on Foreign Intelligence Activities (PBCFIA).
- Serial correlation of the residuals can indicate model misspecification, and can be checked for with the Durbin–Watson statistic.
- To check for any thrombocytopenia, platelet count should be checked prior to commencing anticoagulant therapy, then seven to ten days after commencement, and monthly thereafter.
- Coincidentally, the hotel that Camilo and Maria checked into was owned by the Turk, whom Maria had never met, and it was the Turk who checked them in.
- Grip panels are black checked hard rubber, checked walnut, or special order materials (ivory, mother of pearl, inset medallion).
- Initially, the home plate umpire must determine if a swing was checked or not checked.
- OC Transpo allows bikes to be brought on board the Confederation Line at Tremblay Station and Via Rail allows them as checked luggage on some trains for an additional fee when checked up to an hour prior to departure.
- When a vowel is long/tense but still checked in pronunciation, it is necessarily checked in spelling as well.
- Animals should be checked for hip dysplasia and checked for eye abnormalities such as PRA (Progressive Retinal Atrophy) before being used for breeding.
- In airport terminals, a baggage reclaim area is an area where arriving passengers claim checked-in baggage after disembarking from an airline flight.
- At 07:24, Haznawi checked in one bag and at 07:39, Jarrah checked in without any luggage.
- Integer, float or boolean, string parameters can be checked if their value is valid representation for the given type.
- Other crew members checked on the protein crystal growth experiments, performed some Auroral Photography experiments and checked the orbiter windows for any debris impacts.
- Yoy has five phonologically distinctive tones in non-checked syllables.
- It is checked before filling, monitored during filling and checked when filling is completed.
- The definition with references, however, is type-checked and does not use potentially confusing signal values.
- Incoming mail is checked by SpamAssassin and anti-virus software so that spam and viruses are hidden or deleted.
- Because documents are checked locally and not uploaded over the Internet to a server in order to be checked, validations are performed relatively quickly, and security and privacy are increased.
- The Nanking dialect preserves the checked syllable (...) and thus possesses a coda [...]. Erhua checked syllables are realized with [...].
© Russian-English dictionary 2025
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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