 Translation for 'claim' from English to Russian
NOUN   a claim | claims
VERB   to claim | claimed | claimed
claiming | claims
SYNO call | claim | title | ...
утверждать [заявлять] [только несов.]to claim [assert as fact]
требовать [несов.]to claim [compensation, damages]
претендовать [несов.]to claim [demand]
утверждение {с}claim [assertion]
требование {с} [притязание]claim [demand]
притязание {с}claim [to inheritance, land]
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Usage Examples English
  • A claim of a draw first counts as an offer of a draw, and the opponent may accept the draw without the arbiter examining the claim.
  • In 1967, Ecuador declared its right over an area bounded by 84°30' W and 95°30' W, thus overlapping with the Chilean claim and Norway's claim of Peter I Island. The claim was ratified in 1987.
  • The Omaha Claim Club, along with many claim clubs around Nebraska, disbanded by 1860.
  • In October 2011, Arizona insurance regulators seized PMI's main subsidiary and reduced claim payouts to 50% of the claim made with the balance of each claim being deferred.
  • In 2012, Masada al-Mujahideen attempted to claim responsibility for the Nevada forest fires, until their claim was disproved.

  • She has also published media articles. She holds two patents, one on Self claim service or Self-Claim on Cloud “Claim-Di,” and one on Chula Engineering Dog’s Legs.
  • In case of the denial of the claim, the provider reconciles the claim with the original one, makes necessary rectifications and resubmits the claim.
  • In 1873 he had a legitimate claim to the title of Baron Somerville but did not press his claim.
  • The liquidators rejected the claim, and sought directions from the court as to whether the claim was an admissible claim in the liquidation.
  • A dispute when one party (a "claim jumper") attempts to seize the land on which another party has already made claim is known as "claim jumping".

  • A creditor is a person or entity that holds a claim against the debtor or the property of a debtor.
  • A third-party claim is made by issuing and serving a third-party claim form (equivalent to a Summons), together with particulars of the third party claim.
  • A contractor is entitled to interest on the amount found due on its claim running from the date the Contracting Officer received the claim until the claim is paid.
  • • The automatic renewal process that automatically starts a new claim when a claimant provides closing details for the previous year's claim, whether they want a new claim or not.
  • The effect of the expiration of the limitation period is that no related claim may be recognized or enforced; however, that claim may be used as a counter-claim to set off, under certain conditions (Article 25).

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    Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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