Translation for '
cloud burst' from English to Russian
NOUN | a cloud burst | cloud bursts | |
NOUN article.ind sg | pl
6 translations
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Usage Examples English
- The atomic cloud burst represents two things: that the 509th is the only unit to ever drop atomic bombs in wartime and that it still uses atomic power as a deterrent to war and defender of peace.
- He also received an appreciation from the Chief Minister of Maharashtra for leading the rescue team of Maharashtra officials during the Uttarakhand cloud burst disaster in June 2013.
- The flooding was caused by a significant cloud burst from a convective system.
- In 2010, Leh was heavily damaged by the sudden floods caused by a cloud burst.
- It was the heaviest short period rainfall in last six years, reminding the cloud burst of 23 July 2001.
- The area was subject to an unusually severe cloud burst that led to flooding at a house about a mile from the Garda Station.
- A cloud-burst and flash flood on 8 August 2003 killed 42 labourers who were building the temporary access road.
- One phenomenon that can be observed at this place is the vertical cloud burst, in which the clouds nearing the cliff get sucked into the pit fall area below and are thrown vertically into the sky reaching more than [...] , creating the impression of a wall that is rising straight from the edge of the cliff without entering the landmass area.
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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