 Translation for 'color' from English to Russian
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NOUN1   a color | colors
NOUN2   color | -
VERB   to color | colored | colored
coloring | colors
SYNO color | coloration | coloring | ...
цвет {м} [окраска]color [Am.]
окрас {м}
color [Am.]
цветная революция {ж}
color revolution [Am.]
3 translations
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Usage Examples English
  • David Lewis MacAdam (July 1, 1910 – March 9, 1998) was an American physicist and color scientist who made important contributions to color science and technology in the fields of colorimetry, color discrimination, color photography and television, and color order.
  • The modern RGB color wheel replaced the traditional old-fashioned RYB color wheel because it is possible to display much brighter and more saturated colors using the primary and secondary colors of the RGB color wheel.
  • Using materials that are metameric color matches rather than spectral color matches is a significant problem in industries where color matching or color tolerances are important.
  • Even grayscale perception can be affected by color deficiencies. Hence, "the best color code for color-deficient observers would depend upon the type of color deficiency".
  • Each cell in the Color Code columns depicts the end of a thermocouple cable, showing the jacket color and the color of the individual leads.

  • According to Nussbaumer, the term color proposition implies that color constellation can constitute meaning.
  • A modern authority for this as a color is the ISCC-NBS Dictionary of Color Names (1955)—Color Sample of Stil de Grain Yellow (color sample #83).
  • Jonathan Cohen has edited a collection of essays on the topic of color philosophy called Color Vision and Color Science, "Color Ontology and Color Science".
  • The color of soft parts has great color diversity, (color polymorphism) including white, cream, pale yellow, orange, red and black.
  • The color box to the right shows the color called "puce" in the 1930 book by Maerz and Paul, "A Dictionary of Color"; the color "puce" is displayed on page 37, Plate 7, Color Sample H4.

  • Plugins related to hue and saturation include: velvia, which mimics Velvia film colors by increasing saturation on lower saturated pixels more than on highly saturated pixels; channel mixer; output color profile; color contrast; color correction, to modify the global saturation or to give a tint; monochrome; color zones; color balance; vibrance; color look up table; input color profile and unbreak input color profile.
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