Translation for '
cytology' from English to Russian
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Usage Examples English
- There are two methods of collecting cells for cytopathologic analysis: exfoliative cytology, and intervention cytology.
- The Cytopathology Division provides investigations in addition to conventional histopathology and cytology.
- Cytology is an important tool in identifying effusions due to malignancy.
- In 1802, Mirbel published his treatise "Traité d'anatomie et de physiologie végétale" which established his position as a founder of cytology, plant histology and plant physiology in France.
- The broom is used more frequently with the advent of liquid-based cytology, although either type of collection device may be used with either type of cytology.
- During his time in the hospital, Asman developed a method to extract thyroid tissue by using fine-needle non-aspiration cytology (FNNAC) and fine-needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) techniques.
- The HPV FOCAL Study final results were published in 2018 in JAMA: “Effect of Screening with Primary Cervical HPV Testing vs Cytology Testing on High-grade Cervical Intraepithalial Neoplasia at 48 Months”.
- Digby was active in research within both botany and malacology, where she applied the technologies of cytology.
- Her cytology research primarily concerned bowfin ("Amia calva") and the lateral cell lines of these bony fish.
- Her early specialty was plant histology and cytology.
- Additional methods of looking for occult blood are being explored, including transferrin dipstick and stool cytology.
- There has also been research showing potential in using oral cytology as a diagnostic test for oral cancer instead of traditional biopsy techniques.
- FNA cytology has been used to examine pathological human tissue from various organs for over 100 years.
- Diagnosis also requires CSF sampling via lumbar puncture to assess for cytology and tumor markers.
- Gynecologic cytology, also gynecologic cytology, is a field of pathology concerned with the investigation of disorders of the female genital tract.
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