 Translation for 'dachshund' from English to Russian
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NOUN   a dachshund | dachshunds
SYNO badger dog | dachshund | dachsie
такса {ж} [порода собак]
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Translation for 'dachshund' from English to Russian

такса {ж} [порода собак]зоол.T
Usage Examples English
  • Belanger's pet dachshund, George, was intentionally stomped to death during the attack.
  • Agaton Sax's dachshund occasionally joins Agaton in crime-fighting. Well trained, Tickie is normally quite helpful.
  • "The Ugly Dachshund" is a 1966 American comedy film directed by Norman Tokar, written by Albert Aley, and starring Dean Jones and Suzanne Pleshette in a story about a Great Dane who believes he is a dachshund.
  • He also created the first official Olympic Mascot, a striped dachshund named Waldi.
  • There are two theories about how the standard long-haired dachshund came about.

  • Chlapecka lives in Chicago and owns a miniature dachshund named Sugar Sparkles, which she bought in 2021.
  • This small dog has a slight resemblance to a Dachshund, with short legs (although longer than a dachshund's) and a long body.
  • A 42-year-old writer finds that a small octopus has attached itself to the head of his aging dachshund, Lily.
  • The trademark symbol for the "Urbino" bus series is a green dachshund.
  • Tom lives in Coronado, California with his wife Laura, their sons Sam and Hank and the family mini-dachshund Link.

  • Tucker lives in Lexington, Virginia with his wife, Dr. Beverly Tucker, also an author, and their dachshund, Sophie.
  • At the next inning, Claude is pitching against a dachshund batter.
  • In an interview with Peter Bogdanovich, Tashlin said he included the dachshund as a satire on CinemaScope due to the dog's shape.
  • The story begins with the line, "One morning in May, five little dachshunds were born."
© Russian-English dictionary 2025
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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