 Translation for 'dactyl' from English to Russian
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NOUN1   a dactyl | dactyls
NOUN2   Dactyl | -
SYNO dactyl | digit
дактиль {м}
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Translation for 'dactyl' from English to Russian

дактиль {м}лит.
Usage Examples English
  • Sometimes the ending "-dactylia" is used. The derived adjectives end with "-dactyl" or "-dactylous".
  • This allows the resultant syllable to be read as the long syllable of a dactyl in “-ε͡ω Ἀχι-.” However, beyond merely being necessary to form the dactyl, this synizesis may be a conscious and intentional sound technique.
  • It is sometimes referred to as a "reverse dactyl", and shares the rapid, driving pace of the dactyl.
  • In The Demon Awakens, this volcanic mountain is the unholy lair of the demon dactyl Bestesbulzibar, but becomes a site of holy power after Avelyn Desbris slays the monster.
  • In strict dactylic hexameter, each foot would be a dactyl (a long and two short syllables, i.e. ...

  • (243) Ida I Dactyl (...) is a tiny asteroid moon (1.6 km in diameter) that orbits asteroid 243 Ida.
  • In classical verse, the final syllable of a line always counted as long, so that if a dactyl ( – u u ) is made catalectic, it becomes a spondee ( – – ).
  • The double dactyl is a verse form invented by Anthony Hecht and Paul Pascal in 1951.
  • The carpus has a small triangular spine on the outer and upper end, curving towards the movable finger (dactyl).
  • Zimmer marked this as "dactyl, dactyl, anapaest, anapaest for the galloping riders; the sudden spondee of the wolves".

  • ... also spelled anapæst or anapest, also called antidactylus) is a metrical foot used in formal poetry.
  • This length is scanned like the first four feet of the dactylic hexameter (giving rise to the name dactylic tetrameter "a priore").
  • The digit, also known as digitus or digitus transversus (Latin), dactyl (Greek) or dactylus, or finger's breadth — [...] of an inch or [...] of a foot.
  • According to Tosca Lynch, the song in its conventional transcription of 6/8 rhythm corresponds to the rhythm referred to by ancient Greek rhythmicians as an "iambic dactyl" ([...] (...) [...] (using the term "dactyl" in the rhythmicians' sense of a foot in which the two parts are of equal length) (cf.
  • The two largest imaged craters on Dactyl were named Acmon [...] and Celmis [...] , after two of the mythological dactyls.

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