Translation for '
dactylic' from English to Russian
ADJ | dactylic | more dactylic | most dactylic | |
NOUN | dactylic | dactylics | |
ADJ positive | comparative | superlative
NOUN article.ind sg | pl
1 translation
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Usage Examples English
- While there are stanzas with as many as five syllables rhyming, generally shairi uses either feminine or dactylic rhyme.
- The text is set in elegiac couplets, with each couplet comprising the traditional dactylic hexameter and dactylic pentameter.
- For dactylic hexameter poetry in Hungarian language, see Dactylic hexameter#In Hungarian.
- Some metres, such as the dactylic and anapaestic metres, have no "anceps" syllables, although they make liberal use of "biceps".
- In Greek and Latin poetry, it is found in the dactylic hexameter and the first half of a dactylic pentameter, and also in anapaestic metres.
- Words which include a cretic (e.g. Latin "cīvitās" and its various inflections) cannot be used in works composed in dactylic hexameter or dactylic pentameter.
- Dactylic hexameter has proved more successful in German than in most modern languages.
- This length is scanned like the first four feet of the dactylic hexameter (giving rise to the name dactylic tetrameter "a priore").
- One popular metre is the dactylic tetrameter (in contrast to the dactylic hexameter of Homer and Hesiod).
- Like the rest of Virgil's works, the "Eclogues" are composed in dactylic hexameter.
- An elegiac couplet consists of one line of poetry in dactylic hexameter followed by a line in dactylic pentameter.
- Feminine and dactylic rhymes may also be realized as compound (or mosaic) rhymes ("poet", "know it").
- A dactylic tetrameter catalectic is sometimes joined to the dactylic hexameter to form a couplet termed the Alcmanian Strophe, named after the lyric poet Alcman (some scholars however refer to the Alcmanian Strophe as the First Archilochian, as indeed there is a strong likeness between the two forms).
- Lucilius also wrote satire in dactylic hexameters, a practice later followed by Horace, Persius, and Juvenal.
- Stephen Fry quotes the poem as an example of the use of dactylic metre to great effect, creating verse with "great rhythmic dash and drive".
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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