Translation for '
dad' from English to Russian
NOUN | a dad | dads | |
SYNO | dad | dada | daddy | ... |
NOUN article.ind sg | pl
2 translations
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Usage Examples English
- The main protagonist is Jake, a teenager living with his mom and his step dad in england.
- In the past, Anand's father had back-stabbed Sapna's dad and he had gone to jail, despite being innocent.
- During Maualuga's freshman year he wrote "RIP" on the eye black paint under his right eye and "DAD" under his left eye in honor of his dad who died two days before the BCS National Championship Game following the 2005 season.
- After Em's step-dad walks out, the rest of the family struggle to get along without him.
- Darcy asks dad Mr. Bennet for Elizabeth's hand. Dad can't believe it.
- Enders began playing guitar after being inspired by watching his step dad, Robert Gazzara, play in a band. Enders taught himself how to play his step dad's old guitar.
- Ritesh's dad advises him not to get involved with a woman like Pavani, who doesn't want anything to do with Ritesh.
- In the homonormative sense, a dad (or daddy) is a gay man who applies a state of mind that encompasses care, consideration, mentorship and leadership to a gay junior male.
- In 2023, Alonso played the protagonist of "My Dad the Bounty Hunter", a dad named Terry who secretly works as a bounty hunter named Sabo Brok.
- Dad-windad (also spelled Dad-bendad) was a Parthian grandee, who served as the chief secretary ("dabirbad") of the last Arsacid monarch, Artabanus IV (...).
- A preview for "Dull Dad": Henry must learn there's more to being a King than fighting, but his dad tells him otherwise, leaving a very bored Henry.
- Sammy visits his dad’s condo again and shares to his dad that his mom has been going out with her lawyer.
- Wolfgang wants to perform his terrible dad jokes at Edinburgh's Fringe Festival, and Leo tries to stop him to keep his dad from being embarrassed.
- Meanwhile, Margaret meets with Jamie's dad, where she reveals she has been lying to Jamie about the activity of his dad, including the fact she has to write a birthday card from him each birthday.
- "Johnny's Got a Brand New Dad": Johnny’s dad’s constant sayings of "no" begin to infuriate Johnny, so, with Susan and Mary's help, they make a new dad.
- "Grandad Rudd" is a 1935 comedy featuring the Dad and Dave characters created by Steele Rudd and based on a play by Rudd.
- Alice's dad has been dealing with some shady characters in the oil business.
- PFLAG Canada supports the web series "Out with Dad". The two main characters, Rose and her dad Nathan, attend PFLAG meetings during season 2 and 3.
- It is revealed that Kochukunju knows the whereabouts of both his dad and Neelan, the killer who spared his dad. His dad promises him to return one day.
- While the exact origin of the term "dad joke" is unknown, a writer for the "Gettysburg Times" wrote an impassioned defence of the genre in June 1987 under the headline "Don't ban the 'Dad' jokes; preserve and revere them".
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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