 Translation for 'description' from English to Russian
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NOUN1   a description | descriptions
NOUN2   description | -
SYNO description | verbal description
описание {с}description
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Translation for 'description' from English to Russian

описание {с}
Usage Examples English
  • Note: this is an intuitive description of how autonomous convergence theorems guarantee stability, not a strictly mathematical description.
  • Termcap descriptions can be constructed by including the contents of one description in another, suppressing capabilities from the included description or overriding or adding capabilities.
  • Terminfo descriptions can be constructed by including the contents of one description in another, suppressing capabilities from the included description or overriding or adding capabilities.
  • MPEG-7 is a multimedia content description standard. It was standardized in ISO/IEC 15938 (Multimedia content description interface).
  • Generalized Kinetic Logic, although maintaining the analytic simplicity of the naive description, has certain features in common with the differential description.

  • There are some description languages which are optimal, in the following sense: given any description of an object in a description language, said description may be used in the optimal description language with a constant overhead.
  • An "architectural description" is a contiguous, coherent model of an enterprise. An architectural description comprises "architectural products". MODAF is not an architectural description.
  • The first algorithmic description of fonts was made by Donald Knuth in his Metafont description language and interpreter.
  • The direct description of each rating from the TV Parental Guidelines Monitoring Board is listed above the extended ratings description in italics.
  • The vernacular description, pig-footed bandicoot, was given by Ogilby in his first description, a name ascribed by Mitchell's party.

  • Sound description (or audio description - AD) has been used in cinematography for over 40 years. AD is an additional soundtrack with a description of the film for the visually impaired audience.
  • A description of an object does not refer to the object, but rather starts from the object.
  • Contrary to description, scenery is considered to be a static entity as it results from description.
  • There are two previous major description languages: WSDL2.0 (Web Services Description Language) and WADL (Web Application Description Language).
  • Later, the farm of the Cossack Onufrienko was mentioned in 1744 in the description of the settlements of the Myrhorod Polk by their owners, in the 1745 description of Daniel de Bosquet, and present on the map of the same author, which was an addition to the description.

  • A PPD is also often called "PostScript Page Description" instead of "Printer Description", this is because PostScript has the concept of "Page Devices" where the PostScript page description configuration is read from or saved as a PPD file.
  • As a result, the CF description gives the same description as a full valence bond description, but with just one VB structure.
  • DCMP service to students who are blind or visually impaired involves another essential accessibility tool: audio description.
  • One description is made in terms of the material or referential coordinates, called material description or Lagrangian description.
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