 Translation for 'devices' from English to Russian
NOUN   a device | devices
приборы {мн}devices
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Translation for 'devices' from English to Russian

приборы {мн}
Usage Examples English
  • Electronic fluency devices (also known as assistive devices, electronic aids, altered auditory feedback devices and altered feedback devices) are electronic devices intended to improve the fluency of persons who stutter.
  • HP's line-up of iPAQ devices included PDA-devices, smartphones and GPS-navigators. A substantial number of devices were outsourced from Taiwanese HTC corporation.
  • Alerting devices are assistive devices that connect with doorbells, telephones, and other alarming devices.
  • 3Dconnexion is a German manufacturer of human interface devices for manipulating and navigating computer-generated 3D imagery.
  • The police use a wide range of technologies to curb road traffic offences like speeding and drunk driving including breathalyser devices, bus lane enforcement cameras, immobilisation devices, light signals devices and speed measuring devices.

  • The Location API is available to Java applications on some BlackBerry and Windows Mobile devices, recent Motorola and Sony Ericsson devices, and all Nokia Series 60 3rd Edition devices.
  • The Bing app is available in the U.S. on a variety of Windows phones, Android platform devices, all BlackBerry devices, several BREW devices, iPhone and iPod Touch, and Sidekick devices.
  • Such harmonisation ensures that certification of measuring devices in one country is compatible with certification in another, thereby facilitating trade in the measuring devices and in products that rely on the measuring devices.
  • JABWT provides support for discovery of nearby Bluetooth devices.
  • This area covers gaming devices such as headphones, controllers, furniture and other devices associated with home-use gaming consoles and portable gaming devices.

  • After Dean's death, neither the demonstration devices nor any working devices were found among his experiments.
  • Image intensifier tubes (IITs) are optoelectronic devices that allow many devices, such as night vision devices and medical imaging devices, to function.
  • The ports of PPSSPP for mobile devices offer additional features specific to each platform, such as 'immersive mode' for Android devices, support of the multimedia buttons within Symbian devices and screen stretching on BlackBerry 10 devices to support square screens.
  • The Bing app is available in the US on a variety of Windows phones, Android platform devices, all BlackBerry devices, several BREW devices, iPhone and iPod Touch, and Sidekick devices.
  • The WiMAX Forum website provides a list of certified devices.

  • CyanogenMod officially supported a large number of devices, including most Nexus and Google Play Edition devices.
  • Other friction testing devices include the Pavement Friction Tester, devices by Norsemeter, ViaTech, and the Griptester; all these devices have their own benefits.
© Russian-English dictionary 2025
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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