 Translation for 'dimension' from English to Russian
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NOUN   a dimension | dimensions
SYNO attribute | dimension | property | ...
размер {м}dimension
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Translation for 'dimension' from English to Russian

размер {м}
Usage Examples English
  • The three perpendicular dimensions of the OSA-UCS are the lightness dimension L, the jaune dimension j (a yellow/blue opponent dimension) and the green dimension g (a green/red opponent dimension).
  • Note, however, that the packing dimension is "not" equal to the box dimension. For example, the set of rationals Q has box dimension one and packing dimension zero.
  • Gameplay spans three dimensions: the Neutral Dimension (where Earth is located), the Dark Dimension (home to demons), and the Light Dimension (home to energy beings).
  • Each variety can be considered as an algebraic stack, and its dimension as variety agrees with its dimension as stack.
  • The only non-zero example of even positive definite unimodular lattices with no roots in dimension less than 32 is the Leech lattice in dimension 24.

  • The CEI has a three-pillar system: It cooperates in governmental dimension, parliamentary dimension and business dimension.
  • The Kodaira dimension of "V" is the dimension of the canonical ring minus one. Here the dimension of the canonical ring may be taken to mean Krull dimension or transcendence degree.
  • Alfred Goldie used the notion of uniform modules to construct a measure of dimension for modules, now known as the uniform dimension (or Goldie dimension) of a module.
  • The dimension of the co-kernel and the dimension of the image (the rank) add up to the dimension of the target space.
  • in such a chain is said to have (geometric) dimension [...].

  • In dimension 4, one can resolve intersections of two Whitney disks via Casson handles, which works topologically but not differentiably; see Geometric topology: Dimension for details on dimension.
  • This subsetting keeps the dimension of the array; to reduce dimension by extracting slices, a single slicepoint value is indicated in the slicing dimension.
  • The dimension of the cokernel plus the dimension of the image (the rank) add up to the dimension of the target space, as the dimension of the quotient space [...] is simply the dimension of the space "minus" the dimension of the image.
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