 Translation for 'eagle' from English to Russian
NOUN   an eagle | eagles
VERB   to eagle | eagled | eagled
eagling | eagles
SYNO bird of Jove | eagle | to double birdie | ...
орёл {м}
2 Words
орлица {ж}
female eagle
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
кафрский орёл {м} [Aquila verreauxii]
(African) black eagle
филин {м}
(Eurasian) eagle owl
непальский филин {м} [Bubo nipalensis]
forest eagle-owl / eagle owl
беркут {м} [Aquila chrysaetos]
golden eagle
молуккский орёл {м} [Aquila gurneyi]
Gurney's eagle
гребенчатый орёл {м} [Lophaetus occipitalis]
long-crested eagle
новогвинейская гарпия {ж} [Harpyopsis novaeguineae]
New Guinea harpy eagle
фараонов филин {м} [Bubo ascalaphus]
pharaoh eagle-owl
пустынный филин {м} [Bubo ascalaphus]
pharaoh eagle-owl
пятнистый орляк {м} [Aetobatus narinari]
spotted eagle ray
кафрский орёл {м} [Aquila verreauxii]
Verreaux's eagle
клинохвостый орёл {м} [Aquila audax]
wedge-tailed eagle
14 translations
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Usage Examples English
  • American Eagle Foundation's bald eagle grant program, founded in 2012, awards approximately $100,000 in funding annually for bald eagle research.
  • The Usambara eagle-owl, also called the East African nduk eagle-owl or Vosseier's eagle-owl, ("Ketupa poensis vosseleri") is a taxon of owl in the family Strigidae.
  • File:Giant Haasts eagle attacking New Zealand moa.jpg|Haast's eagle, the largest eagle known, attacking moa (a genus which included the tallest bird known).
  • The solitary eagle or montane solitary eagle ("Buteogallus solitarius") is a large Neotropical eagle. It is also known as the black solitary eagle.
  • The black-chested buzzard-eagle ("Geranoaetus melanoleucus") is a bird of prey of the hawk and eagle family (Accipitridae).

  • The Imperial Eagle is depicted on the reverse of the silver coins.
  • Bogdo-Baskunchak Nature Reserve is also a site for many varieties ofeagles, such as the Golden eagle, the Tawny eagle, the White-tailed eagle and the endangered Russian Steppe eagle.
  • He is best known for his books on the bald eagle, the Eagle Nature Foundation, and his work in rebuilding the bald eagle population to remove it from the threatened species lists.
  • In addition, these sites are ideal bedding and nesting sites for birds: white-tailed eagle ("Haliaeetus albicilla"), golden eagle ("Aquila chrysaetos") and the lesser spotted eagle ("Aquila pomarina") which is under strict protection overall.
  • In medieval Germany, the eagle also represented the house of Hohenzollern.

  • It is known variously in English as "The Eagle with Two Heads", "The Eagle Has Two Heads", "The Two-Headed Eagle", "The Double-Headed Eagle", and "Eagle Rampant".
  • The "Atocha Star" is currently mounted between the claws of an [...] solid gold statue of an eagle, known as "The Golden Eagle" or "The Maltese Eagle".
© Russian-English dictionary 2024
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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