 Translation for 'ectoplasm' from English to Russian
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эктоплазма {ж}
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Translation for 'ectoplasm' from English to Russian

эктоплазма {ж}биол.
Usage Examples English
  • Her companion Juliette Bisson would, during the course of the séance sittings with Schrenck-Notzing, introduce her finger into Eva's vagina to ensure no "ectoplasm" had been loaded there beforehand to fool the investigators, and she would also strip nude at the end of a séance and demanded another full-on gynecological exam.
  • In the LawTube video, Roji explains that the four types of spirits are wandering, animal, vengeful and bound, but Muhyo is interrupted from enjoying his book when Roji smokes a fish to simulate ectoplasm.
  • Schrenck-Notzing investigated the medium Eva Carrière and believed the ectoplasm she produced was genuine.
  • Despite early favourable reports, an examination of Duncan's ectoplasm revealed it was made of cheesecloth, paper mixed with the white of egg and lavatory paper stuck together.
  • She was suspected of swallowing cheesecloth which was then regurgitated as "ectoplasm".

  • The spiritualist journal "Light" endorsed the court decision that Duncan was fraudulent and supported Price's investigation that revealed her ectoplasm was cheesecloth.
  • Stanisława Popielska (born c. 1893) most well known as Stanisława P. was a Polish spiritualist medium who was alleged to have produced ectoplasm and the psychokinetic movement of objects.
  • Albert von Schrenck-Notzing investigated the medium Eva Carrière and claimed her ectoplasm "materializations" were the result of "ideoplasty" in which the medium could form images onto ectoplasm from her mind.
  • According to his theory the table was levitated by "psychic rods" of ectoplasm which came out of the body of the medium to operate as an invisible cantilever.
  • He suspected that she hid her ectoplasm in her vagina but did not come to any definite conclusion.

  • Ectoplasm (also exoplasm) (from the ancient Greek words ἐκτός (èktòs): "outside" and πλάσμα: "plasma", literally meaning: "that which has form") is the non-granulated outer part of a cell's cytoplasm, while endoplasm is its often granulated inner layer.
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