 Translation for 'eight thousand' from English to Russian
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восемь тысячeight thousand
Partial Matches
восемьдесят восемьeighty-eight
сорок восемьforty-eight
шестьдесят восемьsixty-eight
девяносто восемьninety-eight
семьдесят восемьseventy-eight
пятьдесят восемьfifty-eight
тридцать восемьthirty-eight
двадцать восемьtwenty-eight
восемьсотeight hundred
в половине девятогоat half past eight
тысяча {ж}thousand
девять тысячnine thousand
пять тысячfive thousand
одна тысячаone thousand
три тысячиthree thousand
шесть тысячsix thousand
четыре тысячиfour thousand
две тысячиtwo thousand
десять тысячten thousand
21 translations
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Usage Examples English
  • The library's origins go back to Pierre Samuel du Pont, the family patriarch, who collected eight thousand books before his death in 1817.
  • He passed for more than eight thousand yards over his ten-year career, and was put on the team's Wall of Fame in 1992.
  • The new terminal will have roughly eight thousand square meters, boosting the cargo storage and handling capacity fourfold.
  • At evening I was banished to Chao Yang, eight thousand leagues.
  • Aylesbury's population in the ten-year period since 2001 has grown by two thousand primarily related to the development of new housing estates which will eventually cater for eight thousand people on the north side, between the A41 (Akeman Street) and the A413 and the expansion of Fairford Leys estate.

  • About eight thousand Germans were in Saint-Malo itself when the battle began.
  • Over eight thousand cadets completed training there during World War II.
  • Maurice Herzog led a French expedition to its summit through the north face in 1950, making it the first eight-thousand meter peak ever successfully climbed.
  • The made to order machine, with a playfield based on the Stern "Star Wars" release, sold for eight-thousand dollars and shipped in late 2020 along with an exclusive variant cover edition of "Heavy Metal" issue #300.
  • The Intel 8008 ("eight-thousand-eight" or "eighty-oh-eight") is an early byte-oriented microprocessor designed by Computer Terminal Corporation (CTC), implemented and manufactured by Intel, and introduced in April 1972.

  • In contrast, chickens are domesticated descendants of red junglefowl and probably arose little more than eight thousand years ago, at most.
  • At the time of the fight the betting favored Dixon, but was close, and briefly went to even odds. For nine rounds in front of eight thousand spectators, Dixon had the advantage.
  • A proposal in 1980 to build an 80-unit low-income housing project near Sylmar High School at 13080-90 Dronfield Avenue was rejected by the Los Angeles City Housing Commission after eight thousand signatures were gathered against the plan and protesters filled a hearing in the high school auditorium.
  • The mountains were part of their regional homelands for over eight thousand years before the arrival of the Spanish.
  • government employs over eight thousand Master Labor Contract (MLC)/Indirect Hire Agreement (IHA) workers on Okinawa (per the Labor Management Organization), not including Okinawan contract workers.

  • An estimate of sixty-eight thousand people have applied to be part of the audience that night but an approximate number of only 160 people has been picked because of COVID-19 restrictions.
  • The Z8000 ("zee-" or "zed-eight-thousand") is a 16-bit microprocessor introduced by Zilog in early 1979.
  • The Motorola 68000 (sometimes shortened to Motorola 68k or m68k and usually pronounced "sixty-eight-thousand") is a 16/32-bit complex instruction set computer (CISC) microprocessor, introduced in 1979 by Motorola Semiconductor Products Sector.
  • The liberation of the Praga right-bank part of Warsaw took over a month of fighting at the cost of eight thousand soldiers killed on each side.
  • On 22 February 1987 eight thousand Syrian soldiers entered West Beirut to separate the rival militias.

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    Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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