 Translation for 'eighty two' from English to Russian
восемьдесят дваeighty-two
Partial Matches
восемьдесят одинeighty-one
восемьдесят шестьeighty-six
восемьдесят пятьeighty-five
восемьдесят триeighty-three
восемьдесят восемьeighty-eight
восемьдесят семьeighty-seven
восемьдесят девятьeighty-nine
восемьдесят четыреeighty-four
семьдесят дваseventy-two
двадцать дваtwenty-two
две тысячиtwo thousand
тридцать дваthirty-two
сорок дваforty-two
девяносто дваninety-two
шестьдесят дваsixty-two
пятьдесят дваfifty-two
двестиtwo hundred
шлемоносный казуар {м} [Casuarius casuarius]
two-wattled cassowary
21 translations
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Usage Examples English
  • He was likely between seventy-eight and eighty-two years old.
  • They were among 32 pigeons to receive this award, for their gallantry and bravery in saving human lives with their actions. Eighty-two homing pigeons were dropped into the Netherlands with the First Airborne Division Signals as part of Operation Market Garden in World War II.
  • There are eighty-two communities considered to be at high risk to natural disasters due to flooding of rivers and insufficient roadways to evacuate.
  • They put together one hundred and eighty-two books, removed certain parts and chose the reliable bits, and came out with thirty-five books.
  • Apart from "Oxyacetylene", three other Cubanate songs were used on "Gran Turismo" and the single "Body Burn" can be heard at length in episode eighty two of "The Sopranos", from the final season of the show.

  • Three hundred and eighty-two delegates from 89 political parties of 36 Asian countries attended the event.
  • Collins finished sixth out of the eighty-two athletes that competed in the event.
  • On 20 August 1348, while helping his plague-stricken monks, he himself, fell victim of the Plague. Eighty-two monks likewise succumbed to the plague.
  • The album itself reached number one in the UK Album Charts, number eleven in Australia and number eighty-two in the United States.
  • It was reported that eighty-two percent of pregnant women and seventy-nine percent of female medical students view this type of diagnosis in a positive light, agreeing that it is important for prenatal care.

  • The city first proposed its Sustainable City Plan in 1992 and in 1994, was one of the first cities in the nation to formally adopt a comprehensive sustainability plan, setting waste reduction and water conservation policies for both public and private sector through its Office of Sustainability and the Environment. Eighty-two percent of the city's public works vehicles run on alternative fuels, including most of the municipal bus system, making it among the largest such fleets in the country.
  • One hundred and eighty-two aircraft were scheduled for appearance.
  • The ruling United National Party of Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe was defeated, winning only eighty two seats in the 225-member Sri Lankan parliament.
  • Faray had a population of eighty-two in 1861, falling to fifty-eight by 1891.
  • In a 2006 patriotism survey, 56% of Israeli Arabs were not proud of their citizenship and 73% were not ready to fight to defend the state, but 77% said that Israel was better than most other countries and 53% were proud of the country's welfare system. Eighty-two percent said they would rather be a citizen of Israel than of any other country in the world.

  • fell from his horse while riding up from the country, fell ill as a result and died at the age of eighty-two".
  • 82 (eighty-two) is the natural number following 81 and preceding 83.
  • The eighty-two-year old poet-king was harassed by the mutineers and was neither inclined to nor capable of providing any real leadership.
  • And in 1897, believing that the time was ripe for the start of the revolution, eighty-two (82) Katipuneros from Lilo-an marched to the Poblacion to persuade the local authorities to join the revolution.
  • He died two years later at the age of eighty-two, and in 1642 the queen summoned Mme de Motteville to court, being now her own mistress by the death of Richelieu and Louis XIII.

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    Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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