NOUN | an electroconvulsive therapy | electroconvulsive therapies | |
SYNO | ECT | electroconvulsive therapy | electroshock | ... |
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9 translations
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Usage Examples English
- Advocates for the mentally ill and some psychiatrists such as Thomas Szasz have asserted that electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is torture when used without a "bona fide" medical benefit against recalcitrant or non-responsive patients.
- His condition worsened and it was decided that the only treatment that might help him was electroconvulsive therapy.
- This is done to help with tracheal intubation or electroconvulsive therapy.
- Postpartum psychosis often requires hospitalization, where treatment is antipsychotic medications, mood stabilizers, and in cases of strong risk for suicide, electroconvulsive therapy.
- which was treated with electroconvulsive therapy and insulin.
- Today, electroconvulsive therapy is used as a treatment option for severely depressed pregnant mothers (as it is the least harmful for the developing fetus) and people suffering treatment-resistant major depressive disorder.
- Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is an effective treatment for catatonia that is well acknowledged.
- Electroconvulsive therapy has been depicted in fiction, including fictional works partly based on true experiences.
- The transorbital or "ice pick" lobotomy was done under local anesthesia or using electroconvulsive therapy to render the patient unconscious and could be performed in mental hospitals lacking surgical facilities.
- Short courses of benzodiazepines are used in addition to other medications for calming effect until mood stabilizing become effective. Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is an effective form of treatment for acute mood disturbances in those with bipolar disorder, especially when psychotic or catatonic features are displayed.
- Plath was clinically depressed for most of her adult life, and was treated multiple times with electroconvulsive therapy (ECT). She killed herself in 1963.
- He was diagnosed with schizophrenia and treated with electroconvulsive therapy on numerous occasions, a treatment he discusses in "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance".
- Such therapies include insulin shock therapy, cardiazol shock therapy, and electroconvulsive therapy.
- He was admitted to the Priory Hospital, where he underwent electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) and was given heavy doses of drugs for nearly two years, with no accompanying psychotherapy.
- Risks included prolonged coma. Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT) was later adopted as a substitution to this treatment.
- He was showing unmistakable early symptoms of dementia, for which he was given electroconvulsive therapy, to little avail.
- Laing's colleagues characterised him as "conservative" for his opposition to Electroconvulsive therapy and the new drugs that were being introduced.
- Topiramate inhibits maximal seizure activity in electroconvulsive therapy and in pentylenetetrazol-induced seizures as well as partial and secondarily generalized tonic-clonic seizures in the kindling model, findings predictive of a broad spectrum of activities clinically.
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