 Translation for 'epic' from English to Russian
ADJ   epic | more epic | most epic
NOUN   an epic | epics
SYNO epic | epical | epic poem | ...
эпический {adj}
эпопея {ж} [тж. перен.]epic [also fig.]
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Translation for 'epic' from English to Russian

эпический {adj}лит.

epic [also fig.]
эпопея {ж} [тж. перен.]
Usage Examples English
  • Vasily Radayev compiled "Tyushtya" epic out of Moksha and Erzya epic songs in 1991. Aleksandr Sharonov compiled "Mastorava" (...) epic out of Moksha and Erzya epic songs in 1994.
  • Mahabharata, an Indian epic also the world longest epic has a nested structure.
  • Duma, as an epic, in comparison to other epic forms does not contain elements of fantasy.
  • Besides the "Iliad" a few other mentions of Phoenix, from the epic tradition, are found in the Epic Cycle, a collection of epic poems about the Trojan War.
  • Because dactylic hexameter is used throughout epic poetry, and because the elegiac form was always considered "lower style" than epic, elegists, or poets who wrote elegies, frequently wrote with epic poetry in mind and positioned themselves in relation to epic.

  • is a 1953 Nepali epic by Lekhnath Paudyal. It was published in 1953 by Sajha Prakashan.
  • While popularising the epic, he has also spoken out against the commercialization of the epic (such as branding alcohol with the names of the epic's heroes).
  • The epic work is still considered to be the oldest known epic account in Meitei literature.
  • is a Cambodian epic poem, based on the Sanskrit's Rāmāyana epic.
  • Arabic epic literature encompasses epic poetry and epic fantasy in Arabic literature.

  • Jovan Tomić thinks that Musa Kesedžija is based on another historical person, on the supporter of Jegen Osman Pasha who has been transformed into another epic hero — Djemo the Mountaineer (...) in Serbian epic poetry.
  • Ottoman poetry included epic-length verse but is better known for shorter forms such as the gazel.
  • "Kalevipoeg" ([...] , "Kalev's Son") is a 19th century epic poem by Friedrich Reinhold Kreutzwald which has since been considered the Estonian national epic.
  • Knappert translated many literary and historical works from Swahili; including "Utendi wa Tambuka" ("The Epic of Heraklios"), a very early Swahili epic poem.
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