 Translation for 'escapade' from English to Russian
NOUN   escapade | escapades
SYNO adventure | dangerous undertaking | escapade | ...
проделка {ж} [разг.] [дерзкий поступок]escapade
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Translation for 'escapade' from English to Russian

проделка {ж} [разг.] [дерзкий поступок]
Usage Examples English
  • Upton and Bingham are vying for a surgical house job with a consultant (Frank Middlemass) but celebrations for St Swithin's winning the hospitals rugby cup and an escapade with a mini cause complications.
  • Desperate for friendship and an opportunity to escape his horrible marriage, Toby happily agrees and the two begin a whirlwind escapade of freelance journalism marked largely by failure, ridicule, and numerous injuries.
  • During the escapade, she is dressed as a young Bedouin man and must learn the Arabic language on the go.
  • Its name is derived from the Turkish word "kaçamak", meaning escapade.
  • "Lady Helen's Escapade" is a short American comedy film produced in 1909, directed by D. W. Griffith. It is about the escapades of Lady Helen working as a domestic in a boarding house.

  • Dolokhov has made the arrangements for his friend Anatole's elopement with Natasha. The coach-driver Balaga, Dolokhov and Anatole drink to the escapade and to the latter's mistress Matriosha.
  • His novel " Auntie Mame: An irreverent escapade" (1955) was one of the bestselling American books of the 20th century.
  • The next day, Titi introduces Jennifer to his friends. They had just been gossiping about the couple’s escapade in the hospital, as well as Bruno harassing Maud with talk of his penis size.
  • General "Damrémont" took advantage of this escapade and this withdrawal, hoping that the "Kabyle" uprising was going to abort, and believed to be able to have military troops to promote an expedition to the West of Algeria to reinforce General Thomas Robert Bugeaud (1784–1849).
  • Pusskins who craves adventure but, after experiencing such an escapade, realises how fortunate his life is.

  • Back at the German lines the platoon witness enemy propaganda before having a wild escapade at a field brothel, returning to their bunker only to find out they're being ordered on a suicide mission.
  • He systematically tried to approach various army officers to report that he saw the suspicious Stauffenberg escapade.
  • It would take all their strength, and teamwork, to survive every escapade they have.
  • 1924) in his "Book of Dartmoor" (1907), relates the tale of "Wicked Richard Weekes" who died in 1670, and was involved in an escapade concerning fraudulent wills and mortgages.
  • The accompanying music video was directed by Chris Hicky and follows a couple's romantic escapade with Nail performing at a rooftop party with his band.

  • The marriage was not without scandal: in 1958, Marie-Thérèse went on a romantic escapade in Italy, while in 1961, Houphouët-Boigny fathered a child (Florence, d. ...
  • This results in layers of encrusted surfaces and thick impasto taking viewers on a fantastical 3 dimension escapade.
  • Uhlich was apprehended and fined after a drunken escapade in January 2011.
  • Adhering to its customary format, the show opens with a teaser involving an escapade unrelated to the main episode.
  • The play, inspired by Friedrich Schiller's tale of warring queens presents a comically dark escapade into the secrets of suburban America.

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    Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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