NOUN | an escape hatch | escape hatches | |
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Usage Examples English
- Sixth is the roof escape hatch that is in place on all Funny Cars since the founding of the division in the early 1970s.
- Inside "George Washingtons forward escape hatch, a plaque remained bearing her original name.
- De Havilland nonetheless began a refit programme to strengthen the fuselage and wing structure, employing thicker-gauge skin and replacing the rectangular windows and panels with rounded versions, although this was not related to the erroneous 'square' window claim, as can be seen by the fact that the fuselage escape hatch cut-outs (the source of the failure in test aircraft G-ALYU) retained their rectangular shape.
- Thus the compartment must be sealed off from the interior of the submarine and the pressure inside the chamber must be raised to sea pressure in order to make it possible to open the escape hatch.
- Woodson believed that relations with Native American tribes could have provided an escape hatch from slavery: Native American villages welcomed fugitive slaves and, in the antebellum years, some served as stations on the Underground Railroad.
- Many XA implementations provide an "escape hatch" for transactions to independently decide whether to commit or abort (without waiting to hear from the transaction manager), but this risks violating the atomicity guarantee and is therefore reserved for emergencies.
- The fabric sun roof served as an emergency escape hatch should the sole door in front become jammed in a collision.
- Over four days, the Russian Navy repeatedly failed in its attempts to attach four different diving bells and submersibles to the escape hatch of the submarine.
- The crew members appear to have tried to escape by flooding the interior and opening the escape hatch, but their bodies were never found.
- The 747 cockpit roof section also has an escape hatch from which crew can exit during the events of an emergency if they cannot do so through the cabin.
- Yossarian is constantly infuriated by Aarfy during missions, who appears to have no fear of flak and always gets in Yossarian's way when he is trying to get back to the escape hatch, away from the bombardier position in the nose.
- The T-126 as it was known, boasted a unique four-pane windshield that offered unheralded forward visibility in any school bus at the time, and was the first school bus ever built to feature a roof escape hatch (now required equipment).
- An alternative escape means is via a deep-submergence rescue vehicle that can dock onto the disabled submarine, establish a seal around the escape hatch, and transfer personnel at the same pressure as the interior of the submarine.
- On the floor just behind the front turret (or later the nose) was the escape hatch.
- They were then surprised by two Germans who emerged from an escape hatch.
- He conceived a diving bell, which could be lowered to a submarine in distress, mated to an escape hatch, and opened to allow trapped submariners to climb in.
- It was also the last to feature an escape hatch under the hull.
- 5 in (572 mm) torpedo externally; observers were not happy about carrying the torpedo, as they were unable to use the escape hatch until after the torpedo had been dropped.
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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