 Translation for 'escapist' from English to Russian
ADJ   escapist | more escapist | most escapist
NOUN   escapist | escapists
SYNO dreamer | escapist | wishful thinker
эскапистский {adj}escapist
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Translation for 'escapist' from English to Russian

эскапистский {adj}
Usage Examples English
  • The reviewer for "Variety" called it an "escapist" film that was "heavily loaded with laughs".
  • Active crowds can be further divided into aggressive, escapist, acquisitive, or expressive mobs.
  • Their work has been described as "escapist fantasies," notable for its dreamy, illustrative, and patterned style.
  • Heinlein wrote a six-page introduction in which he discussed the nature of science fiction, speculative fiction, escapist stories, and literature.
  • As a multifaceted literary genre, escapist fiction contains thematic depth and complex ideologies that seek to persuade the reader to reconsider their views of the world.

  • The plot follows the story of two friends, Cata and Alex, who develop escapist plans about fleeing from their homes in an undeterminate location in the outskirts of Madrid, a seemingly idyllic but actually decaying place.
  • Castleman and Podrazik also point out the large number of "escapist" programs which debuted during the fall of 1964: "Gilligan's Island" (CBS), "Bewitched" (ABC), "My Living Doll" (CBS), "The Addams Family" (ABC) and "The Munsters" (CBS).
  • The "New York Times" called it "giddy escapist hookum" which "nevertheless skillfully recaptures the flavour and rhythms of old-time Technicolor words-and-daggers romps".
  • Oggs Cruz of Rappler stated "Director Cathy Garcia-Molina is currently the Philippines' foremost crafter of escapist fantasies.
  • These works capture the legends of travelers and explorers as they enriched the escapist dimension of the American dream.

  • This unique appeal stems from escapist lyrics mixed with driving undercurrents of drums, guitars and keyboards, with themes based firmly in the band members musical roots.
  • The first phase of unofficial music was marked by performances of "escapist" pieces.
  • Existential therapists distinguish between interdependency on the one hand, and, on the other, both dependency and an escapist form of rebellious counterdependence.
  • While contemporary novelists drifted toward escapist fiction, her historical novels revisited themes of socialism and "républicanisme".
  • Letitia Elizabeth Landon's escapist poem "Coniston Water" illustrates an engraving of a painting entitled "Coniston Water from Nebthwaite, Lancashire" by Thomas Allom.

  • Her first book was "Summer Boys", published in 2004, the first of a series. It was described as "escapist beach reading" by the School Library Journal.
  • Jane Donnelly is a British writer. During period of 1965 to 2000, she wrote more than 60 romance novels from Mills & Boon. Her novels are characterized as "happy escapist reading".
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