 Translation for 'eschatological' from English to Russian
эсхатологический {adj}
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Translation for 'eschatological' from English to Russian

эсхатологический {adj}религ.
Usage Examples English
  • Francisco Ribera (1537–1591) was a Spanish Jesuit theologian, identified with the Futurist Christian eschatological view.
  • This eschatological role is already alluded to in Avestan texts, and the concepts of "asha" ("Truth"), "ashi" ("Reward"/"Recompense") and "airyaman" (see translation below, the three words are also etymologically related) all have an eschatological aspect.
  • Among his eschatological convictions, Keach anticipated a major revival amongst the Jews at the end of this age.
  • A distinct but related concept is the eschatological remnant, which will manifest shortly prior to the second coming of Jesus.
  • The parable of the Faithful Servant and parable of the Ten Virgins, adjacent in Matthew, involve waiting for a bridegroom, and have an eschatological theme: be prepared for the day of reckoning.

  • Christian eschatological idealism is distinct from Preterism, Futurism and Historicism in that it does not see any of the prophecies (except in some cases the Second Coming, and Final Judgment) as being fulfilled in a literal, physical, earthly sense in the past, present or future.
  • Eschatological passages appear in many places in the Bible, in both the Old and New Testaments.
  • As the text and its eschatological themes are also associated with Advent, the cantata is commonly performed during that season.
  • Amillennialism or amillenarism is a chillegoristic eschatological position in Christianity which holds that there will be no millennial reign of the righteous on Earth.
  • Second death most commonly refers to an eschatological concept in Judaism and Christianity.

  • This verse has been interpreted as having an eschatological dimension "because death will shortly cut us down".
  • In striving to obey such commands, Western Christians have debated the nature of proper evangelism, often emphasizing either eschatological, or material realities within missionary efforts.
  • Belgian Catholic theologian Edward Schillebeeckx (1914–2009) characterised this Egyptian as an 'Egyptian Jewish eschatological miracle-working prophet' who predicted the destruction of Jerusalem's walls akin to the falling walls of Jericho in Joshua 6, and compared the Egyptian to Theudas during Roman procurator Cuspius Fadus (44–46 CE), and another 'eschatological prophet who led his followers into the wilderness while promising miracles and liberation from all misery' during Roman procurator Porcius Festus (r.
  • Pope Francis refers to Teilhard's eschatological contribution in his encyclical Laudato si'.
  • Augustine's later amillennial view laid the eschatological foundation for the Middle Ages, which practically abandoned premillennialism.

  • where "King of the North" and "King of the South" can apply to multiple Seleucid and Ptolemaic kings, respectively; other potential sobriquets and titles in the "pesharim" that can refer to a multiplicity of people include: the "Teacher of Righteousness" (both the founder and future eschatological teacher of the Qumran community), the "Searcher of the Law" (both the Teacher of Righteousness and another eschatological figure), and "Anointed" (both past prophets and future priests or kings).
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