Translation for '
esophagus' from English to Russian
NOUN | an esophagus | esophagi / esophaguses | |
SYNO | esophagus | gorge | gullet | ... |
NOUN article.ind sg | pl
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Usage Examples English
- Many people experience a burning sensation in their chest occasionally, caused by stomach acids refluxing into the esophagus, normally called heartburn.
- The central nervous system of harvestmen, which evolved from a segmented structure, is centralized around the esophagus.
- It has been suggested that the bird gradually puffs out its neck by inflating its esophagus with air accompanied by a mild clicking or hiccuping sound.
- An upper endoscopy is a procedure to look at the esophagus by using an endoscope.
- The thoracic duct, which drains the majority of the body's lymph, passes behind the esophagus, curving from lying behind the esophagus on the right in the lower part of the esophagus, to lying behind the esophagus on the left in the upper esophagus.
- On 14 February 1986, Marcol attempted suicide by drinking a mixture of battery acid, rat poison, and vodka, which severely damaged his esophagus. He had his esophagus stretched as treatment.
- Pathology specimens of the esophagus in patients with nutcracker esophagus show no significant abnormality, unlike patients with achalasia, where destruction of the Auerbach's plexus is seen.
- Barrett's esophagus is an abnormal change in the cells of the lower esophagus, thought to be caused by damage from chronic stomach acid exposure.
- depressa" consists of papillae and teeth, which line the mouth, an esophagus, and a sac-like stomach which is connected to the mouth via the esophagus.
- Once in the esophagus, the bolus travels down to the stomach via rhythmic contraction and relaxation of muscles known as peristalsis.
- The mediastinal lymph nodes along the esophagus are in tight connection with the abdominal lymph nodes along the esophagus and the stomach.
- A Collis gastroplasty is a surgical procedure performed when the surgeon desires to create a Nissen fundoplication, but the portion of esophagus inferior to the diaphragm is too short.
- The lower esophageal sphincter, which is the valve between the stomach and the esophagus, may not close properly due to a hiatal hernia or GERD, allowing acid to enter the esophagus and gases to escape to the mouth.
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