 Translation for 'esoterism' from English to Russian
NOUN   esoterism | esoterisms
эзотеризм {м}
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Translation for 'esoterism' from English to Russian

эзотеризм {м}эзот.
Usage Examples English
  • TV-3 has been accused of propaganda of superstition and esoterism, including showing of films made of statements of scientists taken out of context that made it look like the scientists were talking to the TV-3 presenter.
  • His esoterism linked him with various Masonic and Aryanist groups.
  • He wrote several books on esoterism, which he mixed with anthropological theories inspired by scientific racism.
  • Between 1906 and 1910 she lived in Adyar (Chennai), India, where she deepened her study of esoterism and Theosophy.
  • As a devotee of Ibn Arabi, his metaphysics applied to the study of Islamic esoterism and its similarities with other esoteric traditions of the world.

  • It is believed that Hộ Pháp Phạm Công Tắc was taught how to practice esoterism by God.
  • According to his biography by Marcelo Larraquy (2002), he was a respectful, introverted boy, who had a library covering an entire wall and a special interest in spiritual topics (which would later turn into a passion for esoterism and occultism).
  • Although an outspoken critic of esoterism, he advocated an eclectic ethical approach as opposed to both the state religion and secularism of his time, sparking debate on syncretism, and how Christianity could benefit from the inspiration of Eastern philosophy.
  • This way of envisaging the dvīpas, writes René Guénon, is also confirmed by concordant data from other traditions which also speak of 'seven lands' particularly Islamic esoterism and Hebrew Kabbalah.
  • But for him, Christianity no longer offered the possibility of following a "path of knowledge" under the guidance of a spiritual master, whereas such a path still exists in Sufism, Islamic esoterism.

  • Hani has been praised for his studies on Christian symbolism, particularly on the mass and the esoterism of Christian architecture.
  • He met Marcel Bibé, a former Bezen Perrot militant who initiated him in Celtic esoterism.
  • His work comprised historical novels, biographies, essays on the history of religions, and some science fiction work where esoterism takes a large place.
  • Rava was secretly initiated, probably by his teacher Rav Yosef, into aggadic esoterism; a number of his teachings are tinged with mysticism.
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